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半个世纪前,考入广州地区高等学校和初参加工作的15名阳江县中学毕业生,怀着报国的满腔热情,在新中国第一个五年计划的第一天——1953年元旦,相约到中山纪念堂前合照,以表献身祖国建设事业的决心。半个世纪后——2003年元旦,照片中人相约从天南地北再聚首广州中山纪念堂合照。往日雄姿英发,今日鬓发飞霜。大家一起缅怀当年往事,追溯逝水年华,喜望祖国建设一日千里, Half a century ago, 15 Yangjiang middle school graduates admitted to higher education institutions in Guangzhou and initially participating in the work with the enthusiasm of serving the country, on the first day of New China’s first five-year plan - New Year’s Day of 1953, Meet in front of Zhongshan Memorial photo, table dedicated to the cause of building the motherland’s determination. Half a century later - New Year’s Day in 2003, the photos of people meet together from heaven and earth again gathered in Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial photo. Heroic British hair in the past, today 鬓 hair cream. We cherish memories of the past events, tracing the passing years, looking forward to the motherland building thousands of miles a day,
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7月23日,国际羊毛局(The Woolmark Company)与全球最大的羊毛纺织品企业江苏阳光集团在北京新闻大厦联袂发布全新羊毛职业装面料品牌“SUNDIVO”。该系列面料的问世,无疑标志
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