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紅菜苔細菌性腐爛病是武汉郊区的重要蔬菜病害。在植株行將抽苔期前后即开始发生此种病害。常年此病损失約10——20%,流行年份达70——80%。某些菜地感病率达100%,全部植株腐爛死亡。本病发生多在九月下旬或十月初旬始。地上叶片萎黄下垂和皺縮不平,叶柄基部呈藍紫色不規則的水漬狀略凹陷的病斑,被害部分內部呈褐色爛腐,若稍加压力表皮部分极易破裂,汁液外流并且有极显著的臭气。嫩苔病狀与叶柄上发生相似,但病部从苔处能迅速向下蔓延,引起莖内組織崩潰腐爛。地下根部亦能因病而引起全株枯黄而死,其皮层由于病菌侵染而腐爛。 Bacterial rot disease is a serious vegetable disease in the suburbs of Wuhan. This disease occurs before and after the bolting period of the plant. Perennial loss of about 10 - 20% of the disease, the popular year of 70 - 80%. The susceptibility of some vegetables to 100%, all the plants died of decay. The disease occurred in late September or early October. The leaves on the ground were drooping and crimpled. The base of the petiole was slightly irregular with blue-purple irregular water stain. The infected part was rotten rotten inside. If the pressure was slight, the epidermis part could easily rupture, the juice flowed out and there was extremely significant The smell The symptoms of tender moss are similar to those on the petiole, but the diseased part can spread rapidly downwards from the moss, causing the collapse and decay of the tissue in the stem. Underground roots can also cause the whole plant due to disease yellow and dead, the cortex decay due to bacteria infection.
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2011年中国新春音乐会于2月11日晚在塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德科拉茨音乐厅举行,中塞两国音乐家联袂为观众献上一场精彩演出。中国驻塞尔维亚大 The Chinese New Year Concert
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