
来源 :公安学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caodahai
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自1996年开始,各级公安机关开展了以学习济南交警、加强行风建设和“为人民服务,树公安新风”为主要内容的公安机关精神文明建设活动,推出了承诺制等一系列便民、利民举措,为人民做了大量有益的工作,取得了良好的社会效果。但少数公安民警违法违纪行为在群众中反映比较强烈,造成的负面影响不可低估。分析和探讨公安民警违法违纪的特点、原因和对策,是我们公安机关党风廉政建设中必须重视解决的一个重要课题。一、当前少数公安民警违法违纪的特点从查证的信访件和查处的违法违纪案件分析,公安民警的违法违纪现象,主要出现在涉嫌经济问题、执法不公、袒护包庇、刑讯逼供、非法拘禁、暗中从事第二职业、非执法主体执法、赌博等方面,归纳起来有以下几个特点: Since 1996, the public security organs at all levels have carried out the spiritual civilization construction activities of public security organs with the main content of studying the traffic police in Jinan, strengthening the building of trade unions and “serving the people and tree public security” and launched a series of commitments Convenient people, and benefiting the people, doing a great deal of useful work for the people and achieved good social effects. However, a small number of public security police violations of law and order are reflected in the masses more strongly, and the negative impact caused by them can not be underestimated. Analyzing and discussing the characteristics, reasons and countermeasures of the law-breaking and violating discipline of public security police is an important issue that we must pay attention to in the process of building a clean and party style in public security organs. First, the current characteristics of a small number of public security police violations of law and order from the verified petitions and investigate the case of violations of laws and regulations, public security police violations of law and discipline, mainly in the alleged economic problems, unfair enforcement, protection of shelter, torture, illegal detention, secretly Engaged in the second occupation, the law enforcement of non-law enforcement, gambling, etc., summed up the following characteristics:
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