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生物氧化法可用于含金硫化矿的预处理,它具有试剂消耗少,利于环境保护的优点,然而该过程的动力学速度相当缓慢,停留时间过长(几天,甚至几周)导致过高的运行成本.假如生物氧化过程是通过间接氧化机理进行的,那么其动力学速度可通过两种作用过程的物理分离而提高.这两种作用是:三价铁离子对硫化矿的化学浸蚀和所产生的二价铁的生物氧化(化学和生物两种作用),二种作用的分离可使两过程分别得到强化.本文作为两种作用分离的间接生物氧化的例子研究了砷黄铁矿的硫酸铁浸出,这种化学氧化法被认为是生物氧化体系中化学和生物作用分离的例证.试验结果是令人满意的,化学氧化阶段(硫酸铁浸出)的动力学通过用银作催化剂和中高反应温度而得到强化,考虑到二价铁离子的生物氧化(生物过程)的活化是已经证实的事实,因而化学氧化阶段的强化导致整个氧化过程的加快. Biooxidation can be used for the gold sulphide pretreatment, which has the advantages of less reagent consumption and environmental protection. However, the kinetics of this process is very slow and the residence time is too long (days, weeks or even weeks) Operating costs. If the biological oxidation process is carried out by an indirect oxidation mechanism, its kinetic velocity can be increased by the physical separation of the two action processes. Both of these effects are: chemical attack by ferric ion on sulphide ore and bioxidation of bivalent iron (both chemical and biological) produced by the ferric ion. The separation of the two effects enhances the two processes separately. This article, as an example of indirect biooxidation with two separate roles, studied the leaching of ferric sulfate from arsenopyrite, an example of the chemical and biological separations in biooxidation systems. The test results are satisfactory. The kinetics of the chemical oxidation stage (leaching of ferric sulphate) are enhanced by the use of silver as the catalyst and the medium-high reaction temperature, taking into account the activation of the bioxidation of bivalent iron ions (biological processes) The fact that the strengthening of the chemical oxidation stage leads to an acceleration of the entire oxidation process.
第五章科技项目预算的编制、评审与审批下达第十七条科技计划项目经费按照科技项目管理的要求,建立计划管理与经费管理职能分离的监督制约机制。 Chapter V Preparation, Ex
礼禾先老师来信中对本刊09-5(下)期一文所作的补充很好,特此致谢. In the letter from the teacher, Mr. Li He added a very good supplement to this issue of 09-5 (next