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近几年,国内大小报几乎都面监着经营的困境。主要是国家财政拨款只能管到人头上的基本费用;新闻纸价格一再上涨,成本大幅度提高,报纸经营及扩大的支出,要由报社本身承当。过去那种只讲出报(由国家财政包着)而不考虑经济效益的局面已经过去。报纸经营的商品化已越来越浓。为了在报纸经营中求得生路,报界的做 In recent years, almost all the domestic newspapers run the plight of running businesses. The main reason is that the state financial allocations can only cover the basic expenses of the human head. Prices of newsprint have risen again and again. Costs have risen sharply. Newspaper business and expanded expenditures have to be borne by newspapers themselves. The past situation of speaking out only (covered by state finance) without regard to economic benefits is over. The commercialization of newspapers has become more and more concentrated. In order to get a living in the newspaper business, the newspapers do
To tailor properties of polymer composites are very important for their applications. Very small concentrations of nanoparticles can significantly alter their p
A conformal multi-symplectic method has been proposed for the damped Korteweg–de Vries (DKdV) equation, which is based on the conformal multi-symplectic struct
Hard carbons as promising anode materials for Na-ion batteries (NIBs) have captured extensive attention because of their low operation voltage, easy synthesis p
清代杭州籍画家诸昇以墨竹著名,《芥子园画传》、《十竹斋画谱》中的竹谱均出自其手,是后世习绘墨竹的楷模。 Qing Dynasty Hangzhou painter Zhu Sheng famous ink bamboo,
We present a dissipative scheme to generate an entangled steady-state between two superconducting transmon qutrits separately embedded in two coupled transmissi
CdTe is one of the leading materials for low cost,high efficiency thin-film solar cells with a nearly ideal band gap of 1.48 eV.However,its solar to electricity
Commercial photodetectors based on silicon are extensively applied in numerous fields. Except for their high performance, their maximum absorption wavelength is
Ionization of atoms in counter-rotating and co-rotating bicircular laser fields is studied using the S-matrix theory in both length and velocity gauges. We show