《深冷技术》是我国气体分离与液化设备行业的专业刊物 ,国家核心期刊。创办于 1961年 7月 ,在行业中声望高 ,影响大。为适应我国即将加入WTO的形势 ,《深冷技术》2 0 0 2年开始由中国国际图书贸易总公司报刊出口部代本刊在海外公开发行 ,国外发行代号 160 0BM。中国国际?
“Cryogenic Technology” is China’s gas separation and liquefaction equipment industry, a professional publication, the national core journals. Was founded in July 1961, reputation in the industry high, big impact. In order to meet the situation of China’s imminent accession to the WTO, “cryogenic technology” was publicly issued overseas by newspapers and periodicals of China International Book Trading Corporation from 2002 onwards, with the code of 160 0BM issued overseas. China International?