
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangqiqi77
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在建筑市场激烈竞争的环境下,施工企业只有做到速度快、质量好、才能在市场环境下得以生存和发展。高层及多层建筑主体结构施工的技术手段,劳动组织,往往标志着施工企业的技术能力,管理水平。现浇结构施工采用的模板体系、脚手架及安全防护问题,采取何种施工方法,也是施工企业的主要决策问题,它决定着工程的工期、质量、安全、企业经济效益、企业社会信誉。根据我多年的施工经验及几个典型工程的施工方案比较,我在山东安全科技大楼工程中,采取的剪力墙、柱大模板体系,电梯井筒子模体系,楼梯、楼板、挑平台飞模体系及走廓叠合板的综合施工法,在每层面积1100平方米,梁、板、墙、柱全现浇的工程施工中,实现月进五层的较好成绩,大大降低了工程成本并提高了工作效率。是科学技术就是第一生产力的集中体现,是应用新技术、新工艺、科学管理的成果。本文将施工体会做以汇报,有不当之处望专家给予批评指正。 In the fierce competition in the construction market environment, construction companies only do fast, good quality, in order to survive in the market environment and development. High-rise and multi-storey main structure of the construction of technical means, labor organization, often marking the construction company’s technical ability, management level. Casting structure used in the construction of the template system, scaffolding and safety protection problems, what kind of construction methods, construction companies are also the main decision-making problems, which determine the project duration, quality, safety, economic efficiency, corporate social credibility. According to my many years of construction experience and several typical projects of the construction program comparison, I in Shandong Security Science and Technology Building project, taken by the shear wall, column big template system, elevator shaft sub-module system, stairs, floor, pick platform model System and the outline of the composite plywood construction method, in each floor area of ​​1100 square meters, beams, slabs, walls, columns pouring all the construction, the monthly progress of five to achieve better results, greatly reducing the cost of the project and Improve work efficiency. Is science and technology is the first manifestation of the productive forces is the application of new technologies, new processes, scientific management results. This article will do the construction experience to report, there are inappropriate experts hope to give criticism and correction.
中共中央党校出版社出版 的《开国总理周恩来》一书,披 露了许多过去未曾公开披露的 材料,其中,毛泽东在1958年 曾有以上海市长柯庆施代替周 恩来为总理的设想,引人注目。 书