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4月21日,由全国政协委员、预发控股集团主席陈振东博士等为顾问,香港红发集团有限公司主席、香港玩具厂商会会长叶润权先生为团长的香港玩具厂商会考察团一行45人莅临广东汕头澄海考察,此次考察旨在与汕头、澄海玩具业同行深入交流,寻求优势互补,协作共进。广东省委统战部对该团此次莅汕澄考察十分重视,广东省政协副主席、省委统战部部长李统书挂任考察团名誉团长,广东省委统战部常务副部长黄福春任名誉顾问,并亲自率团莅汕。21日下午,汕头市委副书记、市长黄志光在市委迎宾厅亲切会见考察团一行。据介绍,香港玩具厂商会于1996年成立,其宗旨是维护香港玩具厂商权益,保证香港玩具制造业的社会形象,并代表香港玩具厂商与海内外有关团体及政府沟通。同时,积极团结香港同业,加强相互友好协作;致力于提高香港玩 On April 21, 45 members of the Hong Kong Toy Manufacturers Association Delegation led by Mr. Yip Run-right, chairman of Hong Kong Hongfa Holdings Limited and chairman of Hong Kong Toys Manufacturers Association, were invited by Dr. Chen Zhendong, chairman of CPPCC and chairman of Pre-emptive Holding Group, Visit to Chenghai, Shantou, Guangdong. The purpose of this visit is to exchange ideas with counterparts in Shantou and Chenghai toy industries and seek for mutual benefits and cooperation. Guangdong Provincial Committee of the United Front Work Department attaches great importance to the mission of this delegation to visit Shantou. Guangdong Provincial CPPCC Vice Chairman and Minister of the United Front Work Department Li Tongshu is the Honorary Head of the Delegation, and Huang Fuchun, standing deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of Guangdong Provincial Committee, And personally led the delegation to Shan. On the afternoon of the 21st, Huang Zhiguang, deputy secretary of Shantou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the Shantou City, cordially met with the visiting delegation in the welcome room of the Municipal Party Committee. According to reports, the Hong Kong Toys Manufacturers Association was established in 1996, its purpose is to safeguard the rights and interests of toy manufacturers in Hong Kong, Hong Kong toy industry to ensure that the social image, and on behalf of Hong Kong toy manufacturers and overseas organizations and the government to communicate. At the same time, we should unite with our colleagues in Hong Kong and strengthen mutual cooperation. We are committed to enhancing Hong Kong’s play
对于从未离家生活过的孩子而言,高中三年的宿舍生活令人向往。自由自在,这是我当时能想到的惟一的词。然而,我发现自己错了,而且错得很离谱。 For children who have never
我是一名初中生,很想出人头地,但我成绩一般,又没钱没貌没歌喉,只能干着急。前几天,我上网的时候,无意间闯进了一个网站,发现有些人鼓捣文字就能 I am a junior high school
辽宁省法学会法律逻辑学、证据学研究会第十七次研讨会于2007年8月8日-10日在营口市召开,由营口市法学会承办。在开幕式上,辽宁省法学 The 17th Symposium on Legal Logic a
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。小器大设计(饰品)——全部来自名师@颜予 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view pr
车工杨树林30岁才当上爸爸。儿子杨帆长到3个月大的时候,当妈的薛彩云还不适应自己闪电般的结婚生子,便抛夫弃子追寻新的爱情去了。于是,杨树林抱着3个月大的杨帆又成了单身汉。  杨帆从幼儿园到高中的成长没少让杨树林操心,一个要维护当爸的权威地位,一个要捍卫当儿子的个性自由,少不了针锋相对互不买账,从小学的吃螃蟹事件到初中的情书被截,再到高中的日记被偷窥,儿子选择了沉默的冷战,直到考上大学,他终于摆脱父