
来源 :华东冶金学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivwsige
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实验室内,用BaCO3基熔剂对硅含量为0.8%~1.7%的高炉锰铁进行预脱硅处理,处理温度1300~1400℃.实验结果表明,对于初始硅含量[Si]1>1.0%和[Si]1≤1.0%的两种类型高炉锰铁,前者需要通过二次预脱硅处理,后者只需实施一次脱硅预处理,脱硅后的两类合金均能满足后步氧化脱磷关于硅含量限制范围的要求。通过实验确定了脱硅剂的优化组成是BaCO3(80%)-MnCO3(10%),实验发现,温度对脱硅的影响关系与脱硅剂组成相关,在1300~1400℃范围内,对于上述优化熔剂组成,温度的变化对脱硅效果影响不大,用该熔剂对[Si]1≤1.0%的高炉锰铁进行预脱硅处理,当熔剂添加量占合金量的10%时,能获得90%左右脱硅率,而锰的氧化损失为-0.98%. In the laboratory, blast furnace ferromanganese with a silicon content of 0.8% -1.7% was pre-desiliconized with a BaCO3-based flux, and the treatment temperature was 1300-1400 ° C. The experimental results show that for the two types of blast furnace ferromanganese with initial silicon content of [Si] 1> 1.0% and [Si] 1≤1.0%, the former needs to be pre-desiliconized twice, Silicon pretreatment, after desiliconization of the two types of alloys can meet the requirements of the subsequent oxidation dephosphorization of the silicon content limits. The optimum composition of desilication agent is BaCO3 (80%) - MnCO3 (10%). The experimental results show that the influence of temperature on the desilication is related to the composition of desilication agent. In the range of 1300 ~ 1400 ℃, Optimizing the flux composition, temperature changes have little effect on the desiliconization effect, the flux of [Si] 1 ≤ 1.0% of the blast furnace ferromanganese pre-desilication, when the flux amount accounted for 10% of the alloy amount, can be obtained 90% desilication rate, and manganese oxidation loss of -0.98%.
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问题的提出:Camp v.Pitts这是一个发生在1967年的故事。Pitts 等人向货币监理局(TheOffice of the Comptroller of Currency)申请在南卡罗来纳州的Hartsville 成立一家新的