坚定信心 克服困难 科学管理 和谐发展——王军部长助理在中国注册会计师协会全国秘书长座谈会上的讲话

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同志们:刚才听了大家的发言,我感觉收获很大,有很多启发。因为时间关系,大家有许多话好象没有展开。我知道大家心里有许多事要说,知道大家对我有很多的期待。正因为如此,我分管注册会计师行业工作半年多来,一直不敢有丝毫懈怠,认真调研,认真思考。了解的情况越多,研究的问题越深,越感到行业发展面临不少困难和矛盾,也越感到解决这些困难和矛盾的难度。但回避不是解决矛盾的办法,也不是一个负责任的领导、有责任心的领导应该采取的态度。我在工作中面临过、解决过许多矛盾,我不怕矛盾,也无意回避矛盾,因为我知道,只有勇敢地面对矛盾、正视矛盾,认真地分析矛盾、研究矛盾,才能更好地解决矛盾,这是唯一正确的办法。 Comrades: Just listening to everyone’s speech, I feel greatly rewarded and inspired. Because of the time, many people do not seem to start. I know many things in my heart have to say, I know that we have a lot of expectations. Because of this, I am in charge of the CPA profession for more than six months, and I have not dared to slack off at all times, earnestly researching and seriously thinking. The more we understand, the deeper the research is. The more we feel that the development of the industry is facing many difficulties and contradictions, the more we feel the difficulty of resolving these difficulties and contradictions. But avoidance is not a solution to the contradiction nor is it the attitude that a responsible leader or a responsible leader should take. I have faced and solved many conflicts at work. I am not afraid of contradictions and have no intention of avoiding contradictions. I know that only by facing the contradictions bravely, confronting contradictions, analyzing contradictions seriously and studying contradictions, can we better resolve contradictions, This is the only correct way.
V ordemGesetzstehteinT櫣rh櫣ter.ZudiesemT櫣rh櫣terkommteinMannvomLandeundbittetumEintrittindasGesetz.AberderT櫣rh櫣tersagt,da erihmjetzt V ordemGesetzstehteinT 櫣 rh 櫣 ter.ZudiesemT 櫣 rh 櫣 terkommteinMannvomLandeundbittetumEintrittindasGesetz.AberderT 櫣 rh 櫣 te
思考之一:学生的主体地位如何体现?讲,就是“注入式”吗?是不是一节课的教学过程中学生活动占时多就体现出了学生的主体地位? One of the reflections: how does the studen
有机硒化合物在有机合成,尤其是在天然产物的合成中,有着广泛而独特的应用。近年还发现,有些硒化合物本身就具有抗癌、抗病毒、防衰老等生理活性。因此,引起许多有 Organic