Effects of navelbine and docetaxel on gene expression in lung cancer cell strains

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiexiangjun
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Aim: To search genes sensitivity to the anti-cancer drugs navelbine (NVB) and docetaxel (DOC) in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell strains. Methods: The sensitivity of 4 strains of SCLC and 6 strains of NSCLC to NVB and DOC was evaluated using the MTT assay. The expression of 1291 sensitive-related genes to the anti-cancer drugs in 10 lung cancer cell strains was measured using cDNA macroarrays and the relationship was analyzed. Results: In total, there were 56(r≥0.4) genes sensitive to NVB and DOC. For NVB: 36 genes were sensitive to NVB, 20 co-expressed genes between the SCLC+NSCLC set and the NSCLC set; 27 expressed genes and 7 specially expressed genes in the SCLC+NSCLC set; and 29 expressed genes and 9 specially expressed genes in the NSCLC set. For DOC, 50 genes were sensitive to DOC, 12 co-expressed genes between the SCLC+NSCLC set and the NSCLC set; 24 expressed genes and 12 specially expressed genes in the SCLC+NSCLC set; and 38 expressed genes and 26 specially xpressed genes in the NSCLC set. The genes sensitive to NVB and DOC in lung-cancer cell stains were mainly divided into the following 4 categories: signal transduction molecules, cell factors, transcription factors and metabolism-related enzymes and inhibitors. Conclusions: There were obvious differences in genes related to NVB and DOC between SCLC and NSCLC cell strains, but the same as categories of function. Aim: To search genes sensitivity to the anti-cancer drugs navelbine (NVB) and docetaxel (DOC) in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell strains. Methods: The sensitivity of 4 The expression of 1291 sensitive-related genes to the anti-cancer drugs in 10 lung cancer cell strains was measured using cDNA macroarrays and the relationship was analyzed. For NVB: 36 genes were sensitive to NVB, 20 co-expressed genes between the SCLC + NSCLC set and the NSCLC set; 27 expressed genes and 7 specially expressed genes in the SCLC + NSCLC set; and 29 expressed genes and 9 specially expressed genes in the NSCLC set. For DOC, 50 genes were sensitive to DOC, 12 co-expressed genes between the SCLC + NSCLC set and the NSCLC set ; 24 expressed genes and 12 specially expressed genes in the SCLC + NSCLC set; and 38 expres The genes sensitive to NVB and DOC in lung-cancer cell stains were mainly divided into the following 4 categories: signal transduction molecules, cell factors, transcription factors and metabolism-related enzymes and inhibitors Conclusions: There were obvious differences in genes related to NVB and DOC between SCLC and NSCLC cell strains, but the same as categories of function.
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