
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ryan
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目的:了解本地区妇女在妊娠及产后的心理状态,使孕产期保健更有针对性。方法:随机分层抽取438例孕产妇采用含焦虑和抑郁症状自评量表的问卷进行心理状态调查。结果:438例孕产妇中符合焦虑和抑郁判定标准的有101人,占23.06%,其中孕晚期焦虑发生率最高,与产褥期比较两者差异有显著性;产褥期抑郁发生率最高,与孕中期比较两者差异有显著性;城镇、农村和山区孕产妇的焦虑抑郁发生率无明显差异;高危孕产妇的焦虑抑郁发生率明显多于普通孕产妇,两者差异非常显著。结论:需要对不同的孕产妇进行针对性的心理保健,以提高她们的心理健康水平,从而进一步促进围产保健质量的提高。 Objectives: To understand the psychological status of women in pregnancy and postpartum in this region so as to make maternal health more targeted. Methods: A total of 438 pregnant women were stratified randomly to investigate the psychological status by questionnaire with self-rating anxiety and depression symptoms. Results: Of the 438 pregnant women who met the criteria of anxiety and depression, 101 were diagnosed as malaria, accounting for 23.06% of the total. Among them, the incidence of anxiety was highest in the third trimester of pregnancy and was significantly different from that in the puerperium. The incidence of depression in puerperium was the highest, There was no significant difference between the two groups in the incidence of anxiety and depression among pregnant women in urban, rural and mountainous areas. The incidence of anxiety and depression in high-risk pregnant women was significantly higher than that of ordinary pregnant women, the difference was significant. Conclusion: It is necessary to carry out targeted mental health care for different pregnant women so as to improve their mental health level so as to further promote the improvement of the quality of perinatal health care.
临床资料 1.对象:以发作性喘憋为主要表现,伴有烦躁、嗜睡、鼻煽、发绀,呼吸频率增快(35~40次/分以上),两肺哮鸣音及少许干湿罗音,X线表现为肺纹理增加,小片状阴影,白细胞总
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