
来源 :现代养生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hamihami
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人生有五乐:交友、读书、聊天、赏花、游山玩水。 聊天乃人生一乐。 东晋著名书法家、文学家、号称“书圣”的王羲之曾著有《兰亭集序》一文,文中记叙了他和谢安等四十一位名士宴集山阴兰亭盛况,抒发志趣,文笔雅致,被后人称为名篇。其中“晤言一室之内,放浪形骸之外”,道出了朋友相聚倾谈聊天,其乐无穷的融融欢快之感。 聊天要有知己,知己相聚又乐在聊天,兴盛而聊,兴致而散。所以,聊天难得,知己更难得。交友讲究诚实与理解,讲究志趣相投,情缘的融合,不计个人富贵得失。而聊天则 There are five music in life: friends, reading, chatting, flowers, sightseeing tour. Chatting is a joy in life. A famous calligrapher and writer in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi, known as Shu Sheng, wrote an article entitled “Orchid Pavilion Preface”, in which he and his fellow scholars, such as Xie An, were invited to present the grand occasion of the mountain yin orchid Pavilion to express their interest and express their taste. , Later known as famous. One of the “interviews with a room, let go of the waves outside”, out of friends gathered together to chat, enjoy the joy of pleasure. Chat have friends, confidant and friends get together in the chat, thrive and talk, interest and scattered. So, chatting rare, sweetheart more rare. Friends pay attention to honesty and understanding, stress congenial interest, the fusion of love, regardless of personal gains and losses. While chatting
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