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为了解增殖放流后,黄海北部海域中国对虾Fenneropenaeus chinensis的生长状况,于2015年6—10月在黄海北部辽宁省皮口海域进行了6个航次的回捕调查,共采集样品1434尾,并对其生长指标进行测量分析。结果表明:皮口海域中国对虾体长和体质量呈幂函数关系,雌虾W=8×10~(-6)L3.0729,雄虾W=9×10~(-6)L3.0573;采用Von Bertallanffy生长方程对皮口海域中国对虾体长、体质量进行拟合,雌虾Lt=230.09[1-e-0.0098(t-29.54)]、Wt=144.87[1-e-0.0098(t-29.54)]3.0729,雄虾Lt=175.05[1-e-0.0151(t-34.73)]、Wt=65.98[1-e-0.0151(t-34.73)]3.0573;皮口海域中国对虾在生长过程中表现出雌、雄差异,前期雄虾体长生长速度快于雌虾,约74 d后,雌虾体长生长速度明显快于雄虾,雄虾体质量生长拐点出现在109 d前后,而雌虾则出现在144 d前后;与历史文献相比较,皮口海域中国对虾的生长系数k值较小,显示出生长速度可能较其他海区有减缓的趋势,但渐近体长和渐近体质量有增大趋势;皮口海域中国对虾摄食等级存在月份差异。本研究结果可为探讨大规模增殖放流后黄海北部现有中国对虾种群的自然状况及制定相关管理策略提供科学依据。 In order to understand the growth status of Fenneropenaeus chinensis in the northern Yellow Sea after 6 days of propagation and release, a total of 1434 samples were collected from June to October in the Pigeon area of ​​northern Liaoning Province. Its growth indicators were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there was a power function relationship between body length and body length of shrimp (P = 0) in shrimp farm, The Von Bertallanffy growth equation was used to fit the body length and body weight of prawn shrimp (Lt = 230.09 [1-e-0.0098 (t-29.54]], Wt = 144.87 [1-e-0.0098 29.54)] 3.0729, the male shrimp Lt = 175.05 [1-e-0.0151 (t-34.73)], Wt = 65.98 [1-e-0.0151 (t-34.73)] 3.0573; The growth rate of male was higher than that of female after about 74 days. The body growth rate of male was significantly faster than that of male. About 109 days after birth, Compared with the historical data, the growth coefficient k of prawn in Piper port was smaller than that in other areas, indicating that the growth rate may slow down compared with other sea areas, but asymptotic body length and asymptotic body mass Increasing trend; there is a difference of months in the feeding level of shrimp in pankou waters. The results of this study may provide a scientific basis for exploring the natural status of existing Chinese shrimp populations in the northern Yellow Sea and developing related management strategies after the large-scale proliferation and release.
新编高中数学课本第二册 (上 )有这样一道练习题 :一段长为lm的篱笆围成一个一边靠墙的矩形菜园 ,问这个矩形的长、宽各为多少时 ,菜园的面积图 1 解法 1用图最大 ,最大值是多
在各地高考数学模拟试题中,较多地出现了以图形或统计表的形式给出的数学应用问题,此类题目形式新颖、优美,题干简洁明了, 较好地考查了学生的数学应用能力和分析问题的能力.
选择题 :本大题共 12小题 ,每小题 5分 ,共 60分 .在每小题给出的四个选项中 ,只有一项是符合题目要求的 .1 已知集合M ={ 0 ,1,2 ,3,4 ,5 } ,N ={ 1,2 ,3} ,满足条件N A M的集
在数学解题中 ,根据题目的需要 ,常需提出假设 ,借助于假设的参与 ,形成新的思路 ,从而使问题获解 .但因假设不当或假设不慎 ,导致解题错误的现象经常发生 ,因此 ,本文拟通过
数学课本中的典型习题 ,具有较强的代表性、可塑性和迁移性 ,另一方面 ,也是我们智能的生长点 ,是高考、竞赛的依据 .故在学习中 ,要重视对课本习题的研究 .为此 ,本文以一道