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题记:强军梦是国家的梦、军队的梦,也是每个官兵的梦。“得其大者可以兼其小。”官兵只有把个人理想抱负融入强军梦的实践、把个人成长与实现强军梦紧密结合起来,才能有真正出彩的军旅人生。——习近平“梦想是什么?梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。”2013年,电影《中国合伙人》里的这句台词触发了无数人对“梦想”的感慨。“你的梦想是什么?”面对提问,苏敏慧愣住了,半天没答上,对于这位从事导弹制导专业30年的军人来说,这个问题似乎比他解决过的成千上万个技术难题还复杂。“把制导工作干好,这算不算梦想?”想了足足半分钟,苏敏 Inscription: strong military dream is the country’s dream, the military’s dream, but also the dream of every officer and soldier. “Only when the officers and men integrate their individual ideal and ideal into the course of a strong military dream and closely integrate their personal growth with the realization of a strong military dream can they have a truly brilliant military life.” - Xi Jinping “What is a dream? A dream is something that makes you feel insistent that happiness is something.” “In 2013, the phrase” Chinese partner “triggered millions of people’s feelings about ” Dream “ . ”In the face of questions, Su Minhui stared for a long time did not answer the question, for this 30 years in the missile guidance professional soldiers, the problem seems to solve thousands of Thousands of technical problems are still complicated. “Do the guidance work well, this is not a dream?” Thought for a full half minute, Su Min
本文介绍用国产光栅和自聚焦棒透镜实现的长波长、单窗口、单模四路波分复用器件的研制,以及二波波分复用系统的传输实验,证实了该复用器的功能。 This paper introduces th
H .32 3系统主要用于局域网的多媒体通信 ,向网上的终端用户提供实时语音、数据和视频业务。随着它的商用市场的开拓 ,其中对网络安全的实施与保障受到越来越多的重视。在这