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铜元作为银元之辅币,在中国近代货币史上曾起过重要作用。铜元自光绪二十六年(1900年)广东开铸后,地方各省遂仿行铸,至光绪三十一年,全国已有17个省22个钱局铸造或试铸铜元,其面值有一文、当二、当五、当十、当二十几种。铜元发行初始,余利甚大,其价值大大超出币面价格。由于利益驱使,地方督抚竞相多铸争销,加之不少地方出现私铸、减重现象,至使铜元“铸造日多,行销日滞,法价已不可保”。由于供大于求,铜元急剧贬值造成币制紊乱,通货膨胀,中央与地方之间、地方与地方之间矛盾尖锐。为挽回利权,光绪三十一年户部奏定整理圜法章程,决定在天津设立户部造币总厂,地方统为造币分厂,并裁停归并部分钱局,将铸币权收归中央。光绪三十二年七月,财政处会奏整顿铜币,整合各省造币厂,清廷钦命邮传部尚书陈璧到各省考察铜币铸行情形。现刊布的这组史料,是陈璧历经7个月的考察后,于光绪三十三年五月初八日给朝廷的奏报。其中将酌留之河南、湖北、江宁、广东、福建、直隶、四川钱局及裁并之江苏清江、苏州、安徽、山东、江西、浙江、湖南钱局,从设厂开铸至考察之日止各钱局地址、厂房设备规模、机器成本、余利出入款目及物料数目等均作了详细精确之统计(惟吉林、奉天、广西未在内),并酌拟各省造币分厂划一章程十六条,是研究晚清货币史颇有价值的史料。 As a subsidiary of silver dollar, copper has played an important role in the history of modern Chinese currency. Since the Guangxu Twenty-Six Years (1900), Guangdong Province started casting and casting, the local provinces were imitated and cast. By the 31st year of Guangxu, there were already 17 copper mines in 17 provinces in China, , When two, when five, when ten, when twenty kinds. Initial issuance of copper, surplus great, its value greatly exceeded the price of coins. Driven by interest, local governors competed for more competitions in the production of castings. In addition, there were a lot of private-owned and weight-loss phenomena in many places, so that the prices of copper, castration, and other commodities were no longer guaranteed. Due to oversupply, the drastic devaluation of the copper dollar caused disorder in the currency system and inflation, with sharp contradictions between the central and local governments and between localities and local governments. In order to restore the right, Guangxu thirty-one years deciding the rule of law, decided to set up the Ministry of household mint factory in Tianjin, the local system as a mint branch, and cut the merger of some money bureau, the right to make the mint central. Thirty-two years Guangxu in July, the Treasury will play to rectify the copper coins, the consolidation of the provinces mint, the Qing imperial sentinel Ministry books Chen Bi went to the provinces to examine the case of copper coins casting. Now published in this group of historical data, is Chen Bi after seven months of inspection, in Guangxu thirty-three years on May 8 to the court reported. Among them, the discretionary offices in Henan, Hubei, Jiangning, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhili, Sichuan Qianjiang and Jiangsu Qingjiang, Suzhou, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Hunan Qianjiang, The statistics of the address, plant and equipment scale, machine cost, surplus profit and loss account, and the quantity of materials of all the cash bureaus on the date of the survey were all detailed and accurate (except for Jilin, Fengtian and Guangxi) It is a valuable historical data to study the history of the late Qing currency.