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推进“一带一路”建设是以习近平同志为总书记的党中央主动应对全球形势变化、统筹国内国际两个大局作出的重大战略决策,在国际社会引发了广泛关注并得到沿线国家积极响应。广西作为“一带一路”有机衔接的重要门户,在深度参与“一带一路”建设中必须抓住机遇、找准定位,发挥优势、积极作为。一、推进“一带一路”建设战略意义重大“一带一路”是习近平总书记提出的一项气势恢宏的战略构想,也是一项中国倡导、惠及各方的宏伟工程。推进“一带一路”建设,对开创我国全方位对外开放新格局,推进中华民族伟 Promoting the “Belt and Road Initiative” is a major strategic decision made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary in taking the initiative to respond to the changes in the global situation and coordinating the overall situation both at home and abroad. It has aroused widespread concern in the international community and has been positively responded by the countries along the line. Guangxi, as an important gateway to organic integration of the “One Belt and One Road”, must seize the opportunity, identify its position, give full play to its strengths and take the initiative in its deep involvement in the “Belt and Road” construction. I. Promote the “One Belt and One Road” Strategy for Building a Strategic Building The “Belt and Road” is a magnificent strategic concept put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping and is also a magnificent project initiated and benefited by all parties in China. Promote the Building of the Belt and Road Initiative, Create a New Pattern of Opening to the Outside World for All-round Development in China and Promote the Development of the Chinese Nation
龚老板何许人也?  大名龚传仁。  其祖上做过鸦片生意,曾富甲一方。到他父亲这一辈做的是棉布生意,因为行业竞争,生意场上得罪了日本人,被黑龙会的混混暴打了一顿,落下了残疾。因此,龚传仁恨透了日本人。  龚传仁继承了父亲的家业,依然做棉布生意。龚传仁吸取了父亲的教训,生意场上比他父亲圆滑,不说做得风生水起,至少在娄城算是数得着的老板。小日子过得挺滋润的。  日本人占了上海、南京后,娄城也跟着成了沦陷
The reaction of optically active O-ethyl O-phenyl phosphorochloride 1 with alcohol, phenol,amine, mercaptan or thiophenol, respectively, in the presence of an
一天凌晨,局一号给我打电话,让我去机场接一个大电视台的摄制组。我没顾上洗漱,急忙打局驾驶班大刘的电话。我洗漱毕,大刘的别克商务车也正好到了楼下。路上,再眯上一个回笼觉,别克商务车就到了机场。拿着接人牌,守候在出口处,觉得还有些困。  一会儿,航班到了,有个一脸大胡子的北方大汉跟我打招呼。对上号了,他们一行六人,正是我要接的摄制组。  六个人,一大堆设备和行李。我自然得伸手相助,然而正當我拎起一件设
The characteristics of Mossbauer spectra for a sample of schorlomite are described in this paper. There are 7 fitting doublets, three of which are considered a