
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guigui1987
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1 化肥在提高土壤肥力和增加土壤养分中的地位 兵团各垦区均属内陆干旱荒漠地区,土壤有机质含量一般在1.0%左右,全氮、全磷含量分别为0.04%~0.1%,0.07%—0.16%,碱解氮60mg/kg以下的占耕地面积的70%,速效磷(p_2O_5)10mg/kg以下的占耕地面积的77.3%,有效养分的氮磷比为6∶1。用全国土壤养分六级标准衡量,土壤有机质,土壤潜在养分和有效养分均属第四级下限。总的来讲,兵团垦区土壤是有机质偏低,缺氮少磷,养分比例失调,严重地制约了农业生产的发展。提高土壤肥力,增加土壤养分含量,已成为兵团农业生产发展上急待解决的迫切任务。 但兵团各垦区由于水土供需矛盾尚未得到很好的解决,扩大苜蓿、绿肥种植面积还存在一定的困难。1991年全兵团苜蓿、绿肥面积为93200hm~2(即旧制139.8万亩),占耕地面积的9.93%。兵团畜牧业规模也不大,平均旧制4.2亩耕地一头牲畜,积肥不多,1991年全兵团厩肥施用面积为81133.3hm~2(旧制121.7万亩)占耕地面积的8.65%。上述两项总共只占耕地面积的18.58%,远远不能适应和满 Fertilizer in improving soil fertility and increasing soil nutrient status Corps reclamation land belongs to inland arid desert areas, soil organic matter content is generally about 1.0%, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 0.04% to 0.1%, 0.07% 0.16%, 70% of the total area of ​​cultivated land under 60mg / kg of basic nitrogen, 77.3% of the area of ​​cultivated land under 10mg / kg of available phosphorus (P2O5), and 6:1 of effective nutrient. With the national standard of soil nutrient six criteria, soil organic matter, soil potential nutrients and effective nutrients are the fourth lower limit. In general, the soil of the reclamation area of ​​the Corps is low in organic matter, lacking in nitrogen and phosphorus and imbalanced in nutrients, seriously restricting the development of agricultural production. Increasing soil fertility and increasing soil nutrient content have become urgent tasks urgently resolved in the development of agriculture production of the Corps. However, due to the contradiction between supply and demand of soil and water in the reclamation area of ​​Corps, there is still some difficulty in expanding the planting area of ​​alfalfa and green manure. 1991 Corps alfalfa, green manure area of ​​93200hm ~ 2 (that is, the old system of 139.8 million mu), accounting for 9.93% of the area of ​​cultivated land. Corps of animal husbandry is not large scale, the average old 4.2 acres of arable land, livestock, fertilizer is not much, in 1991 the Corps of manure applied area of ​​81133.3hm ~ 2 (121.7 acres of the old system) accounted for 8.65% of the area of ​​arable land. The above two items account for only 18.58% of the total arable land, far from being able to adapt to and full
磷化铝为深灰色或黄色的高融点结晶,它与石蜡等混合后制成片状剂市售、多用于防治贮粮害虫和农田害鼠。随着磷化铝的普遍推广应用,假磷化铝片剂日渐增多。现根 Aluminum ph
汉族是怎样形成的 ,很长时间以来人们都在探索这个问题。 5 0年代曾经有过一次认真而有益的讨论 ,各方面的专家学者参加其中 ,发表了不少富有建设性的看法和论点 ,为以后的研
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根据有关统计资料显示 ,到1998年底 ,我国135个陆地边境县、旗、市、市辖区行政区划土地面积约180万平方公里 ,约占国土面积的18 8 % ;辖区内耕地面积约463万公顷 ,草地面积约8660万公顷 ,两项合