
来源 :昆虫天敌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laopoxqq
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在宜昌柑桔产区,广西食螨瓢虫 Stethorus(Parasthorus)guangxiensis pargxiensis pang et Mao 1978年普遍发现,并逐步上升为桔全爪螨paraetranychus citriMcg.捕食性天敌的优势种。这种现象可能同1977年1月这里的柑桔受到大冻,在恢复树势的过程中,减少了药剂防治这一事实有关。一、生活史广西食螨瓢虫多以成虫少数为蛹在柑桔树冠下部的叶背越冬。晚秋期间桔全爪螨发生严重的那些植株上,蛹的越冬比例增大。 2月下旬,越冬成虫开始产卵;3月中旬,幼虫孵出;4月初,始蛹;4月中旬,出现第一代成虫。年末一代于11月中旬盛卵,延续到12月上旬。旬均温18。~20.2℃ In the citrus producing area of ​​Yichang, Guangxi Stethorus (Parasthorus) guangxiensis pargxiensis pang et Mao was generally found in 1978, and gradually rose to the dominant species of predatory natural enemies of paraetranychus citriMcg. This phenomenon may be related to the fact that citrus was frozen here in January 1977 and the pesticide control was reduced during the restoration of the tree shrub. First, the history of life Guangxi food mite ladybugs to adult a few pupae in the lower part of the orange canopy leaves wintering. During the late autumn, all those plants that occur severe on the whole mite mite, the overwintering proportion of pupae increases. In late February, the overwintering adult began to lay eggs; in mid-March, larvae hatched; early April, pupae; and in mid-April, the first generation of adults appeared. The end of the year a generation of eggs in mid-November, extending to early December. Ten average temperature 18. ~ 20.2 ° C
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大突肩瓢虫[Synonycha grandi(Thunberg)]是甘蔗绵蚜的一种主要天敌。我区各地均有发生,尤以桂西蔗区发生的面较广,种群数量较大。为了保护和利用这种害虫天敌,我们从1978年
一、松毛虫赤眼蜂(图1、成虫,图2、赤眼蜂产卵状) 虫体长约1毫米。卵寄生,触角短,索节最多2节。前翅宽,后缘脉退化,翅上刚毛呈放射状。跗节3节。雄虫体黄色,腹部黑褐色;触角