行政许可法7·1实施 我国政府自我革命拉开序幕

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过多过滥的行政审批,阻碍了生产力的发展。行政审批制度改革的目标就是要将不符合政企分开、政事分开原则、妨碍市场开放和公平竞争以及实际上难以发挥有效作用的行政审批,坚决予以取消;可以用市场机制代替的,通过市场机制运作;对于确需保留的,要建立健全监督制约机制,做到程序 Excessive administrative examination and approval hindered the development of productive forces. The goal of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system is to resolutely eliminate the administrative examination and approval that does not accord with the principle of separation of government from enterprises and separation of government from government, hinders market opening and fair competition, and in fact is hard to play an effective role. Market examination and approval mechanisms that can be replaced by market mechanisms, Operation; for really need to retain, to establish and improve the mechanism of supervision and control, to achieve the procedure
TC-1 satellite of Double Star Program (DSP), a near-earth equatorial satellite, was delivered to the representative of the end user, the Research Center for Spa
《行政许可法》作为我国行政程序立法的一项重要组成部分,从立法调研起就受到国内外的普遍关注。 全国人大常委会法工委从1996年着手《行政许可法》的调研、起草工作,并形成
China successfully launched 20th recoverable satellite into preset orbit for scientific and technological experiments by LM-2D from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch
2003年11月19日至21日,全 国第二次行政执法监督工作协作会议在福州召开。全国28个 省、市、区政府法制办的负责人和行政执法监督处相关人员,13 个较大市政府法制办的负责人
China is expecting to launch 10 satellites this year while prepar ing for the second mannedspace flight.Zhang Qingwei, President of China Aerospace Science and