Carbon Nanotubule Membranes for An Electrochemically-Driven Artificial Muscle

来源 :锦州师范学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:facexy
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A new type of electrichemically-driven actuator is described.This actuator uses graphitic carbon as the electroactive materical(as opposed to the polymeric films used in previous devices of this type),and it is the first example of an actuator based on a nanostructured material.The actuator consists of branched carbon nanotubules embedded within the pores of a microporous alumina template membrane.Electrochemical Li + intercalation causes this nanotubule-containing membrane to flex,and electrochemical de-intercalation causes the membrane to relax to its original position.The characteristics of this new actuator are described here. A new type of electrichemically-driven actuator is described. This actuator uses graphitic carbon as the electroactive materical (as opposed to the polymeric films used in previous devices of this type), and it is the first example of an actuator based on a nanostructured material The actuator consists of branched carbon nanotubules embedded within the pores of a microporous alumina template membrane. Electrochemical Li + intercalation causes this nanotubule-containing membrane to flex, and electrochemical de-intercalation causes the membrane to relax to its original position. These characteristics of this new actuator are described here.
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