
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjlovedq
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竞赛说明:为给各级党组织和广大党员深入学习党的十六大精神提供一种易于掌握的形式,把学习贯彻十六大精神的热潮引向深入,省委宣传部、省委组织部决定共同举办本次答题竞赛。希望广大党员和社会各界踊跃参加。1.本次答题竞赛活动由河北《共产党员》杂志社、《干部党员人才》杂志社、《大时代》杂志社承办。2.竞赛试题共100道填空题,每题1分。3.竞赛试题可复印。答题时请另备答题纸,标明题号,依序写上答案即可。请参赛者一律使用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷,并在答卷上方写清本人姓名、邮政编码和通信地址。4.答题主要参考书目:《中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会文件汇编》、《党的十六大报告学习辅导百问》。5.答题活动由各单位党组织统一组织,并于6月1日前集中送到所在县(区、市)委宣传部,然后由县(区、市)委宣传部于6月15日前集中送到所在市委宣传部宣传科(处)或党教科(处)。偏远地区的参赛者和零散参赛者可自行寄往所在市委宣传部宣传科(处)或党教科(处),并在信封上注明“知识竞赛”字样、本次知识竞赛的截止时间为6月30日。6.竞赛设答题一等奖15名,二等奖30名,三等奖60名,纪念奖若干名,并给予物质奖励。竞赛结束后在刊登试题的媒体上公布获奖名单。 Contest Description: To provide an easy-to-grasp form for deepening the study of the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress by party organizations and the majority of party members at all levels and to divert the upsurge of studying and implementing the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee Decided to co-host this answer contest. Hope that the majority of party members and all sectors of the community to participate actively. 1. The answer contest by Hebei “Communist Party” magazine, “cadres and party personnel” magazine, “Big Times” magazine host. 2. Contest questions a total of 100 blank fill questions, each question 1 point. 3. Contest questions can be copied. Please answer the paper when the other answer, marked with the title, in order to write the answer can be. All contestants should use the pen or ballpoint pen answer sheet, and write down my name, zip code and mailing address above the answer sheet. 4. The main bibliography of the answer: “Compilation of documents of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China” and “Questions of Learning Guidance of the 16th National Congress of the CPC.” 5. The answering activity shall be organized uniformly by the Party organizations of all units and shall be sent centrally to the Propaganda Department of the county where they are located (districts, municipalities) prior to June 1, and then be dispatched by the Propaganda Department of the county (district, city) Committee by June 15 Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department (Office) or Party School (Office). Participants and scattered contestants in remote areas may send their own copies to the publicity department (department) or party discipline (department) of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee where they are located and indicate on the envelope the words “knowledge contest”, the deadline of this knowledge contest For June 30. 6. Competition set the first prize of 15 questions, 30 second prize, third prize 60, a number of commemorative awards, and give material reward. After the contest in the published questions in the media published winners list.
各级领导干部要坚持深入基层,深入群众,倾听群众呼声,关心群众疾苦,时刻把人民群众的安危冷暖挂在心上.做到权为民所用.情为民所系.利为民所谋。 Leading cadres at all le