
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yixvmei
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自1999年5月张胜震任云南省禄丰县人武部部长后,感到的是压力、是责任。通过近两年的努力,人武部工作年年上台阶,成了全省人武系统的先进典型。他以公仆的本色,在干部、职工心里树起了一面鲜艳的旗帜。 上任不久,张部长就定下以正规化建设为突破口,促进人武部全面建设上台阶的目标。提高人的素质,是正规化建设的一个关键因素,为此,他要求干部职工“内强素质,外树形象”。针对人武工作的实际,他有计划、有步骤地分期分批安排干部职工进行业务培训,提高他们的工作能力。同时,还通过开展以老带新、以强补弱等活动,努力拓宽强化素质的渠道和途径。狠抓一日生活制度落实是张部长抓正规化软件建设采取的又一条措施,先后制订了《禄丰县人武部人员管理规定》、《党委议事规则》、《后勤管理规定》等规章制度,使各项工作真正做 Since Zhang Shizhen became the head of the Armed Forces Department of Lufeng County in Yunnan Province in May 1999, he felt it was pressure and responsibility. Through the efforts of the past two years, the work of the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces has risen to an advanced stage every year and has become an advanced model of the people-to-armed system in the province. With the true nature of public servants, he set a bright banner in the minds of cadres and staff. Shortly after taking office, Minister Zhang set a goal of taking the formalization as a breakthrough and promoting the comprehensive construction of the armed forces ministry. To improve people’s quality is a key factor in the normalization process. To this end, he demanded that cadres and workers should “have a strong internal quality and a good image of outsiders.” In response to the actual work of armed forces, he planned to systematically and step by step organize cadres and workers in business training and improve their working ability. In the meantime, efforts should be made to widen the channels and channels for strengthening quality by carrying out such activities as rejuvenating the old and strengthening the younger generation. Pay close attention to the implementation of one-day life system is Minister Zhang scratched formal software construction to take another measure, has formulated the “Lufeng County Department of Personnel Management Regulations”, “rules of procedure of the party committee” and “logistics management regulations” and other rules and regulations so that The work is really done
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徐州矿务局第一机械厂制氧车间,在1988年 3月,发生一起 5 L-16/50型空压机水平连杆(Ⅱ、Ⅲ级缸的连杆)从大头瓦处折断的事故。这次事故是在该机检修后,开车不到两周的时间内
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