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中国档案学会全国第三次档案学术讨论会有一篇论文,对我国档案事业管理体制的重要内容——党政档案工作统一管理提出批评(文见《档案学通讯》1989年第3期),认为实行党政档案工作的统一管理是在1958年全国“大跃进”的历史背景下产生的,是与社会主义初级阶段不相符合的“左”的体制。并且认为“近30年的实践已经证明党政档案工作统一管理基本上是不成功的。”不仅应当调整,而且应当改革这种体制,党政档案管理机构应当分设,党政档案也不应该统一保存,以利于党政档案事业的发展。笔者以为论文作者对我国实行党政档案统一管理的重要意义认识不足,对我国社会主义初级阶段进行改革的认识也不完全正确,因而所提的改革党政档案工作统一管理的方案是不可取的。首先,应当指出:提出党政档案工作统一管理的历史背景,并不象论文作者所说的是“大跃进”和强化党的一元化领导的产物。而是总结实践经验,抛开了苏联模式,独立自主地按照我国的情况,建立有中国特色的档案管 The Chinese Archives Society has a paper on the Third Archives Symposium in China, criticizing the unified management of the party and government archives, the important content of archives management system in China (see “Archives Science and Communication”, 1989, No. 3) The unified management of carrying out party and government archives work came into being in the historical context of the Great Leap Forward of China in 1958 and was a “leftist” system that was inconsistent with the initial stage of socialism. And that “nearly 30 years of practice has proved that the unified management of party and government archives basically unsuccessful.” Not only should be adjusted, and should be reformed this system, the party and government agencies should file management agencies, party and government files should not be unified Save, in order to facilitate the development of party and government archives. The author thinks that the author of the dissertation does not know enough about the significance of implementing unified management of Party and government files in our country and the cognition about carrying out the reform of the initial stage of socialism in our country is not completely correct. Therefore, the proposal of reforming the unified management of party and government archives work is not desirable . First of all, it should be pointed out: The historical background in which the unified management of party and government archives work is put forward is not the product of the “Great Leap Forward” and strengthening of the centralized leadership of the party, as the authors write. But sum up practical experience, put aside the Soviet model, independently in accordance with our situation, the establishment of a file with Chinese characteristics
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