CPAFFC President Chen Haosu and His Party in Ukraine

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  At the invitation of the Ukraine-China Society (UCS), CPAFFC President Chen Haosu and his party paid a visit to Kiev and Yalta from June 5 to 9. Leonid Kravchuk, honorary president of the UCS and first Ukrainian president, met with Chen Haosu and his party. Grygory M. Surkys,president of the UCS; Evgen M. Rashutin, first vice president ofthe UCS; Yuriy Kostenko, Ukrainian vice foreign minister; and Mykhailo B. Reznik, former Ukrainian ambassador to China, were present at the meeting.
   Leonid Kravchuk said, the important documents signed by him, as the founder of Ukraine-China relations, and the Chinese leaders have become the foundation of Ukraine-China relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, mutually beneficial cooperative relations between Ukraine and China have experienced sustained development. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu’s visit to Ukraine also witnesses the good relations between the two countries. He spoke highly of the role played by friendship organizations of the two countries in promoting friendly relations between Ukraine and China.
   UCS President Grygory Surkys expressed his thanks to the CPAFFC for inviting the UCS delegation to visit China and attend the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2007. He expressed his appreciation of and congratulations on the success of the Beijing Olympic Games.
   CPAFFC President Chen Haosu praised the important role played by Leonid Kravchuk, as the first Ukrainian president, in the establishment of China-Ukraine diplomatic relations and the development of the relations between the two countries, and the efforts he has made to deepen mutual understanding and traditional friendship between the Chinese and Ukrainian people as a friendship envoy of the Ukrainian people since he assumed the post of honorary president of the UCS.
   The CPAFFC delegation paid an official call on the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC). The AUC is responsible for contacts between the Ukrainian central and local governments and coordinating the relationship between the two sides. Chen Haosu expressed the CPAFFC’s willingness to establish ties and develop cooperation with the AUC.
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