
来源 :深圳中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wecofe
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目的:探讨深圳市南山区特殊职业人群对于心肺复苏救知识及操作技能的普及程度,以及对于急救知识及技能的培训需求。方法:对南山区人流聚集度高的8种特殊职业人群,共发放调查问卷1500份,收回调查问卷1486份。其中,有效问卷1480份,应答率98.7%。结果:(1)急救知识普及程度:对120电话的知晓率为89.5%,对心跳呼吸骤停简易判断方法的知晓率为36.8%,对成人胸外心脏按压的部位、频率、深度的知晓率分别为43.4%、32.0%、30.0%,对高质量心肺复苏要素的知晓率为17.9%,对徒手开放气道的方法的知晓率为19.9%。(2)获取急救知识的途径:急救培训占比50.3%,科普讲座占比19.0%。(3)对待现场急救的态度:愿意主动拨打120电话者达90.9%,愿意主动进行现场急救者达75.9%。(4)培训需求:希望接受急救知识和技能培训者达83.2%。其中:愿望非常强烈者达50.8%,希望接受徒手心肺复苏术培训者达30.2%。结论:(1)南山区特殊职业人群对于心肺复苏知识和技能达到了较高的认知程度。急救知识和技能的获取途径,主要是通过接受急救培训。表明2011年第26界世界大学生运动会举办前后,由市急救中心、区内各医院、区红十字会对特殊职业人群开展的急救培训,取得了较好效果。(2)面对突然倒地或发病者,南山区特殊职业人群的态度非常明确:乐于伸出援手,热心救助他人。(3)南山区特殊职业人群对于急救知识和技能培训的培训需求很大。 Objective: To explore the popularity of special occupational groups in Nanshan District of Shenzhen for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and operation skills, as well as the training needs for first aid knowledge and skills. Methods: A total of 1,500 questionnaires were distributed to 8 special occupational groups with high concentration of people in Nanshan District, and 1,486 questionnaires were returned. Among them, 1480 valid questionnaires, the response rate of 98.7%. Results: (1) The popularization of first aid knowledge: the awareness of 120 phone was 89.5%, the awareness rate of simple judgment of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest was 36.8%, and the awareness of the location, frequency and depth of adult chest compressions Respectively, 43.4%, 32.0% and 30.0% respectively. The awareness rate of high quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation factors was 17.9%. The awareness rate of free airway opening method was 19.9%. (2) Access to first aid knowledge: First aid training accounted for 50.3%, science lecture accounted for 19.0%. (3) First-aid treatment on-site attitude: 90.9% are willing to dial 120 callers voluntarily, and 75.9% are willing to take the initiative on-site first aid. (4) Training needs: 83.2% hope to receive first aid knowledge and skills training. Among them: 50.8% of those with a very strong desire and 30.2% of those trained in hand CPR. Conclusion: (1) Nanshan District, a special occupational group for CPR knowledge and skills to achieve a higher level of awareness. Access to first aid knowledge and skills is mainly through first aid training. It shows that before and after the 26th World University Games held in 2011, the First Aid Center, the hospitals in the districts and the District Red Cross have achieved good results in first aid training for special occupational groups. (2) In the face of a sudden fall or onset of illness, the attitude of special occupational groups in Nanshan District is very clear: they are willing to lend a helping hand and are enthusiastic in helping others. (3) Nanshan District, special occupational groups for the training of first aid knowledge and skills training is very demanding.
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