债权转股权 ,是为解决企业负债率过高问题而实施的一项政策措施。认真做好债转股工作 ,对推动国企改革与发展 ,提高银行资产质量 ,将产生重大而深远的影响。对此 ,国家成立了华融、信达、东方和长城四家资产管理公司 ,集中力量对不良资产进行处理 ,加快对国有企业实施债转股工?
Debt to equity, is to solve the problem of corporate debt is too high and the implementation of a policy measures. To do a good job of debt-to-equity swap will have a significant and far-reaching impact on promoting the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and enhancing the quality of bank assets. In response, the state established four asset management companies, Huarong, Cinda, Orient and Great Wall, to concentrate on handling non-performing assets and expediting the implementation of debt-to-equity transfer to state-owned enterprises.