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纪检监察信访举报工作,是党和国家人民信访工作的重要组成部分,是党和政府联系群众的桥梁和纽带,是纪检监察工作的“第一道门槛”,也是纪检监察机关获取案件线索的主要渠道。近年来,各级纪检监察机关认真贯彻中央关于做好信访工作的有关要求和规定,全面履行信访举报工作职责,积极探索依纪依法规范纪检监察信访举报工作的方法和措施,逐步完善信访举报工作机制和程序,积极推进信访举报工作的法制化进程,积累了丰富的经验,取得了明显成效。本刊特选取3个市、县的经验做法,从不同角度展示纪检监察信访举报工作的成果,供大家借鉴。 Discipline inspection and supervision of petitioning and reporting work is an important part of the work of letters and visits by the party and the people in the country. It is a bridge and link between the party and the government in contacting the masses, and is the “first threshold” for discipline inspection and supervision as well as the clue for the discipline inspection and supervision organs to obtain cases. channel. In recent years, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have conscientiously implemented relevant requirements and provisions of the Central Committee on doing a good job of letters and visits, fully performed the duties of reporting and petitioning letters and visits, and actively explored methods and measures for discipline inspection and petition reporting in accordance with the law and gradually perfected reporting and petitioning work Mechanisms and procedures, and actively promote the process of legalization of letters and calls to report, has accumulated rich experience and achieved remarkable results. The author selected three cities and counties, the experience and practices from different angles, demonstrating the results of disciplinary inspection petition reports, for your reference.
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乐者,天地之和也;礼者,天地之序也。京剧是我国的国粹艺术,深受广大人民的喜爱。演唱京剧能带来青春活力,具有养生之妙用。 Musicians, heaven and earth also; ceremony, w
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一路上想着冬天午后的美好,不知不覺已来到了父亲学校的球场。  暖阳斜照。我望着球场里跳跃奔跑的人们,目光紧随着他们潇洒灵动、忽上忽下的影子,不禁心头一阵酸痒——咱家的球,多少天没沾过篮框了。  我迅速回家取球,又连带喊了个老友一同前来。“今天可要打个酣畅淋漓。”我心里想着,手上运着球,便沿着矮墙向球场大门跑去。篮球击地的声音极为动听,一向不擅长带球过人的我,此刻却连人带球上蹿下跳,毫无平常的紧张,
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