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长征是一座采不尽的精神矿藏,是一部读不完的历史巨著,是一首雄壮豪迈、大气磅礴的进行曲,是一个惊天动地、震惊世界的人类奇迹,是一块昭示后人、万古传颂的丰碑,是一支催人奋进、引领航程的号角。长征已经成为历史,但长征的精神历久弥新,永远不会过时,就如同一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,永不熄灭,照亮着中华民族的伟大复兴之路。 The Long March is an endless collection of spiritual mineral deposits. It is a historical monograph that can not be read. It is a majestic heroic and magnificent march. It is a human miracle that has made a great impact on the world and shocked the world. , Is a horn of enterprising, leading the voyage. The Long March has become history. However, the spirit of the Long March is old-new and will never be outdated. It is like a flame of burning fire that never extinguishes and illuminates the great rejuvenation path of the Chinese nation.
数字化一直被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬,电 子商务、电子邮件、网络电话、虚拟 现实……,无限风光收眼底,最美不过0 和1。媒体为我们勾画出一幅无比美好的 生存空间。 然而炒归炒。看看周
投资收益是因持有或转让股权而获得的收益,本文较全面分析了股权投资收益在会计和税收处理上的差异问题。 The investment income is the income gained from holding or tr
今年五一放长假,各旅游景点 人满为患:乘车难,住宿难,吃饭难,观赏难…… 假如,景点知道游客的数量,游客知道景点的情况,肯定会出现资源更合理的搭配。而目前的技术条件,这种假设是完全
如今,拥有寻呼机已不是新鲜的事情。而网络寻呼机却是网络时代的产物。ICQ就是这个网络寻呼家族中最庞大的网络寻呼系统。 ICQ是以色列的Mirabils公司开发的网络寻呼软件,Mi
患者 男,38岁。入院前2d在活动中突然出现头晕、视物旋转、言语不清、口角歪斜,右侧面部麻痹、听力下降及吞咽困难、饮水呛咳,于2001年11月4日入院。有高血压病史4年。体格
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The development of some computational algorithms based on cellular automaton was described to simulate the structures formed during the solidification of steel
U sing different m odels of focal cerebral ischemia,the temporal and spatial rules of m etabolism and energy changes in the post- ischem ia brain tissue were m