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  Cinema Talk
  Situation 1:
  John has arrived at Fiona’s place. He wants them both to go out for the evening in London. He makes several suggestions about what they could do.
  1. Oh there’s no one I want to see at the moment.
  2. Yeah OK, I’ll have a look and see what’s on.
  3. Oh, I don’t know, what were you thinking of?
  4. Thanks but I’re just eaten.
  John: Do you want to go out somewhere tonight?
  John: I thought we could go to Earl’s Court to see a band[乐队].
  John: Ok, well, how about going out for a bite to eat? My treat!
  John: Well, why don’t we go and see a film?
   Language tips
  ★ a bite to eat—ood
  ★ my treat—’ll pay
  ★ What’s on—what are the films showing?
  Situation 2:
  John and Fiona have decided to go to the cinema and are looking through the cinema listings to see what film they’d like to go and see.
  1. Yeah, it’s quite cheap there. What’s on?
  2. Well let’s see the new Hugh Grant film, it’s a comedy[喜剧].
  3. It’s up to you, but nothing too soppy[催人泪下的].
  4. Oh I saw that years ago. It ends with a bit of a blood bath.
  Fiona: So what kind of film do you fancy seeing?
  Fiona: We could go to the “prince Charlescinema?
  Fiona: Hang on, oh Taxi Driver, the Scorsese film with
  De Niro.
  Fiona: I want to see something that will make me laugh.
  Language tips
  ★ it’s up to you—it’s your decision.
  ★ What do you fancy doing?— What do you want to do?
  ★ soppy—too romantic, very sentimental[感伤的]
  ★ a blood bath[大屠杀]—lots of violence[暴力] and killing
  Situation 3:
  As John and Fiona leave the cinema they
  start talking about the film they have just seen.
  1. I thought the acting was fantastic! And Hugh Grant, he’s gorgeous[俊俏的].
  2. I couldn’t help it. I think Hugh Grant is hilarious[搞笑的].
  3. I thought it was really great!
  4. You must have been starving, you ate it all yourself!
  John: What did you think of that?
  John: You must be joking! The acting was awful!
  John: The only good thing was my popcorn[爆米花]very tasty!
  John: Well, you were too busy laughing to eat any.
  Using stress to help describe a film (借助重音来描述电影)
  When John and Fiona are talking about the film they have seen, they put more stress on certain parts of a sentence to emphasize[强调] the point.
  Sometimes we want to emphasize what we are saying. We can do this by placing more stress on a word or part of a word. This adds strength to the meaning. Please listen and repeat[重复]:
  △She’s really beautiful!
  △It was absolutely fantastic!
  △He was gorgeous!
  △He was so funny!
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