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太原市红十字血液中心是山西省采供血工作业务指导、教学和科研中心,负责省会太原市的采供血业务。设有中华造血干细胞库山西资料库。血液中心现有职工110人,其中卫生技术人员占70%以上。固定资产6000余万元,拥有比较先进的设备.能分离制备各种血液成分以及为临床解决疑难配血等业务。中心设有血液研究所,红细胞和HLA血型参比室,能够开展新生儿溶血病、强直性脊柱炎等相关疾病的血液鉴定及器官移植配型、亲子鉴定、血浆置换、造血干细胞的采集等项目。通过对数万名献血者的血型筛查,建立有400余人的 Taiyuan Red Cross Blood Center is Shanxi Province, blood collection and delivery work guidance, teaching and research center, responsible for the capital of Taiyuan City, blood collection and supply business. With Chinese hematopoietic stem cell library in Shanxi. 110 existing blood center staff, of whom more than 70% of health and technical personnel. More than 60 million yuan in fixed assets, with more advanced equipment. Can separate the preparation of a variety of blood components and clinically solve the problem with blood and other services. The center has a blood research institute, red blood cells and HLA blood reference room, to carry out blood diseases such as neonatal hemolytic disease, ankylosing spondylitis and other blood diseases and organ transplantation matching, paternity testing, plasma exchange, collection of hematopoietic stem cells and other projects . Through the screening of tens of thousands of blood donors, the establishment of more than 400 people
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