随着老人生活水平的提高、生活观念的转变,越来越多的老人喜欢外出旅游。由于老人机体衰退,肌力较弱,反映迟钝,动作协调能力较差等特点,在老年旅游人群中,意外发生率较高。 家住上海某空军干休所的老张,70岁,患有Ⅱ型糖尿病。独自一人到杭州游西湖,在上船时,由于过度劳累,加上心里着急,脚步一乱,足下一滑,造成小腿骨折,皮肤擦破。由于他患有糖尿病,摔伤后皮肤和骨折一直未能愈合,在医院里住了3个月,这次出游,给老张身心带来极大痛苦。 杭州某中学退休教师林某,患冠心病6年,医院要求他按装心脏起搏器,林老师要求装进口起搏器,由于经济原因一直未装。今年五一,林老师孩
With the improvement of the living standards of the elderly and the shift in the concept of life, more and more elderly people prefer to travel. Due to the decline of the body of the elderly, weak muscle strength, slow response, poor ability to coordinate movements, etc., the incidence of accidents among senior citizens is high. Lao Zhang, who lives in a Shanghai Air Force Retirement Center, is 70 years old and suffers from type 2 diabetes. Traveling alone to Hangzhou in the West Lake, when she was on the boat, due to overwork, coupled with anxious heart, a mess in the footsteps, a slippery foot, resulting in a broken leg, broken skin. Because he had diabetes, his skin and fractures failed to heal after the fall and he stayed in the hospital for 3 months. This trip made Lao Zhang physically and mentally painful. Lin Mou, a retired teacher in a middle school in Hangzhou, suffered from coronary heart disease for 6 years. The hospital asked him to install a cardiac pacemaker. Lin asked to install an imported pacemaker, which has not been installed for economic reasons. This year on May 1st, Lin teacher child