Visual communication design under the influence of digital media

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  Abstract: Visual communication design plays an important role in the design history of our country, and it has undergone tremendous changes so far. Nowadays, the emergence of digital media has changed the mode of information dissemination, but also changed the people's access to information habits, these changes are the visual design can not be ignored, it will inevitably affect the development of visual communication design.
  Key words: visual communication design; digital media; transformation
  First, the relevant theories of visual communication design
  1, the concept of visual communication design
  In recent years, due to the graphic design can not meet the needs of professional development, major colleges and universities have been changed to the graphic design of visual communication design, and it also shows that the graphic design and visual communication design is the inheritance and development of the. Graphic design is called "flat", and has a lot to do with printing, whether it is book binding design or poster design, or packaging design, are presented in the form of printing. With the development of science and technology, 3D printing technology, people not only rely on the information transfer printing mode, and more diversified way to show to the audience, which is beyond the scope of graphic design, so the "visual communication design concept also came into being.
  Two, the relationship between digital media and visual communication design
  The traditional visual communication design is mainly based on the paper, so its message is one-way, the designers in the work, the audience did not realize the situation, push information to the audience, and this mode of communication is a kind of passive way, thus it is very difficult to achieve between designer and audience communicate and feedback, so the traditional visual communication design is difficult to be a designer's intention to pass out the complete. The greatest advantage of the digital media is the interaction, which means that the audience do not passively appreciate the design works, but actively accept the content to be displayed. This mode of communication embodies more humane, more in line with the concept of modern information dissemination, the value of the work to maximize.
  Three, the influence of digital media on Visual Communication Design
  1, interactive communication
  The traditional visual communication design is mainly based on the paper, so its message is one-way, the designers in the work, the audience did not realize the situation, push information to the audience, and this mode of communication is a kind of passive way, thus it is very difficult to achieve between designer and audience communicate and feedback, so the traditional visual communication design is difficult to be a designer's intention to pass out the complete. The greatest advantage of the digital media is the interaction, which means that the audience do not passively appreciate the design works, but actively accept the content to be displayed. This mode of communication embodies more humane, more in line with the concept of modern information dissemination, the value of the work to maximize.   2, changes in forms of expression
  From the beginning of the visual communication design to the multidimensional trend of transformation, we can see that the visual communication design is changing from a static two-dimensional form to a dynamic and multidimensional form. Through the support of computer technology and network technology, the appearance of multidimensional design form is the portrayal of the visual transmission design from "reality" to "virtual".
  The virtualization of design expressions facilitates the faster and faster delivery of information. Virtual visual design is a purely digital means of display, and all of its visual elements and information are made up of numbers, which makes its accuracy greatly improved. And the virtual technology can create a good visual communication environment, this environment is based on digital technology, combined with text, images and sounds, it is easy to let the audience effectively and quickly accept information, let the audience feel the sense of reality, the author created a virtual scene, the personification of delicacy combined, the Marvel Super Heroes, with lively music, make the work more attractive eyes.
  Four, Epilogue
  In the information society the pursuit of technology, we can feel the yearning for a new way of communication, designers need to do is to promote the new means of communication, communication design more diversified, humanized design will make the vision, toward a more broad development direction.
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  (作者單位:齐鲁工业大学 山东济南)
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