
来源 :对外经济贸易大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zqy61032526
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国际公共关系是指一个社会组织,通过国际间的信息传播和沟通来推广组织的形象,树立组织的信誉,从而使组织的产品和服务在世界市场取得顾客的了解和信任。外贸企业作为我国对其他国家(或地区)进行商品交换的一种经济组织形式,是直接从事进出口业务经营活动的经济实体,是联系国内外生产与消费的桥梁纽带。由于外贸企业要面向国际市场,参与世界市场竞争,因此,外贸企业的国际公共关系活动在企业经营活动中的地位和作用十分重要。 International public relations refers to a social organization that promotes the image of the organization through international information dissemination and communication, and establishes the credibility of the organization so that the organization’s products and services can gain the customers’ understanding and trust in the world market. Foreign trade enterprises, as an economic organization form for China’s exchange of goods with other countries (or regions), are economic entities directly engaged in the business of import and export business, and are the bridge linking domestic and foreign production and consumption. Since foreign trade enterprises must face the international market and participate in the competition in the world market, the status and role of foreign trade companies in international public relations activities in their business operations is very important.
近几年我校军事教研室开展了一系列的对外交流合作工作。主要形式有选派教员外出进修 ,外请专家来校讲课及与外单位开展科研合作等。为了搞好对外交流合作应把握好几个问题 ,
湖北省巴东县“下岗”民兵吴兵和丹江口市浪河镇民兵吴家宝相约到广东打工,独辟“富”径,靠“翻译”各种方言挣钱,月收入达4000元以上。 几年前,一无专门技术二无得力朋友的
1.High output growth rate and changed industrial distribution China has rich salt(sodium chloride)re-sources with a proven reserves of 4 700 billion tons.Major
金额:亿美元.、霖~之几、批准立项数协议金额实际投入金额汇计项目1978一821814一55 .3117.7198363819.29 .1}1984216628.714.2}1 985307363.3一1 9.5}19861498一33.322.41}1
二次大战以后,国际贸易在各国经济发展中的作用越来越重要,它不但是发达国家经济发展的重要支柱之一,也是发展中国家改变贫穷落后状况、逐步实现工业化、现代 After the Se
Pattonair 将先进的供应链管理解决方案引入中国Pattonair 是世界航空与防务市场分销与供应链管理服务的领先供应商之一。他们拥有分布在欧洲,北美洲和亚洲的机构和专业团队