Neuroprotection of phenolic alkaloids from Menispermum dauricum versus melatonin against oxygen-gluc

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vlon126
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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have demonstrated that phenolic alkaloids from Menispermum dauricum (PAMD) can protect the heart and brain from ischemia/reperfusion injury, and promote neuron survival by inhibiting neuronal Bax and upregulating Bcl-2 expression following ischemia/reperfusion. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the neuroprotective effects of PAMD versus exogenous melatonin against ischemia/reperfusion injury. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Observation and comparison experiments at a cellular level were performed at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology between February 2007 and February 2008.MATERIALS: PAMD (95% purity) was provided by Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; melatonin was provided by Sigma, USA.METHODS: N2a mouse neuroblastoma cells were cultured in vitro deprived of glucose, serum and oxygen for 90 minutes, then cultured in normal medium containing different concentrations of PAMD (0.1, 1.0, 10 mg/L) or melatonin (1, 10, and 100 μmol/L). Cells cultured in normal conditions served as a control. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The culture solution was collected to determine the content of excitatory neurotransmitters such as glutamic acid and aspartic acid; cell viability was detected by MTT methods; reactive oxygen species production was determined by fluorescence spectroscopy; mitochondrial transmembrane potential (?Ψm) was detected by laser confocal scanning; cytochrome C was measured by western blotting; and caspase-3 activity was determined by visible spectrophotometry. RESULTS: Melatonin and PAMD both promoted oxygen-glucose-serum deprivation-mediated N2a cell survival (P < 0.01) and inhibited glutamic acid release (P < 0.01), but melatonin did not inhibit aspartic acid production. The protective effects were the strongest using melatonin 100 μmol/L and PAMD 10 mg/L, so subsequent experiments were the performed at those doses. Although PAMD could no longer maintain mitochondrial transmembrane potential 6 hours after reperfusion, its inhibitory effects on cytochrome C release from mitochondria and scavengers of reactive oxygen species were stronger than those of melatonin (P < 0.01). However, its inhibitory effect on caspase-3 activity was weaker than that of melatonin: PAMD could inhibit caspase-3 activity 12 hours after reperfusion (P < 0.01), but melatonin inhibited caspase-3 activity 28 hours after reperfusion (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The results show that melatonin and PAMD have neuroprotective effects, but that the mechanisms are varied. Melatonin can maintain mitochondrial transmembrane potential, but its inhibitory effects on cytochrome C release, caspase-3 activity, and reactive oxygen species scavenging are different from those of PAMD.
目的 探讨老年急性肠梗阻的诊断及手术治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析该院过去10余年间124例老年急性肠梗阻的临床资料.结果 肠道肿瘤65例,占52.42%;粘连性肠梗阻25例,占20.16%;腹
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目的 通过对髋部不同体位的骨密度值(BMD)、骨矿含量(BMC)的测量,了解体位变化对髋部骨密度测量的影响.方法 选择临床观察患者15例,在下肢中立位、内旋15°、内旋30°状态下分别测量髋部BMD、BMC,比较不同体位下髋部BMD、BMC的变化.结果 随着下肢旋转角度的改变,髋部BMD、BMC测量值均有变化,从中立位到15°及30°内旋时,股骨头BMD值逐渐升高,而BMC仅轻微升高.结论 髋部B
目的 分析慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)、阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)及重叠综合征(overlap syndrome)患者单个核细胞TNF-a和IL-8 mRNA表达的特点,从炎症反应方面探讨重叠综合征的发病机制.方法 选取已确诊为COPD 11例、OSAHS 15例和重叠综合征4例各为一组,所有研究对象均行夜间多导睡眠图监测和肺功能检查,用半定量RT-PCR法检测外周血单个核细胞T