学术为本 创建一流

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在新世纪里,经济社会信息化,信息网络化。以数字化网络化为代表的高新技术和生命科技将会高歌猛进,而经过改造的传统技术和传统产业也将会万紫千红,硕果累累。全球化的经济将给人类带来某些困惑,但更多地是给人类带来新福利和对文化类产品(包括图书、音像、CD等电子出版物)新的需求。在这种宏观背景下来展望出版产业的美好前景,来思考我们大学出版社和我们北大出版社的发展,我们心潮澎湃,信心倍增。出版产业是朝阳产业,在新世纪,我国出版产业必将更好地调整结构,改革体制,搞活机制,迈开新的更大的步伐,获取社会效益和经济效益双丰收。北大出版社在新世纪里将遵循学术为本,争创一流的出版理念,伴随我国出版改革的步伐,深化内部管理体制改革,走联合、合作双赢的集团经营路子,充分利用校内外各类出版资源,优先出版大 In the new century, economic and social information, information network. The high-tech and life sciences, represented by digital networking, will march triumphantly, while the reformed traditional technologies and traditional industries will also be very colorful and fruitful. The global economy will bring some confusion to human beings but more to bring new benefits to mankind and new needs for cultural products (including electronic publications such as books, audiovisuals and CDs). Looking forward to the bright future of the publishing industry in this macro-context and thinking about the development of our university press and our Peking University Press, we are full of confidence and confidence. Publishing industry is a sunrise industry. In the new century, the publishing industry in our country will surely better adjust its structure, reform its system and invigorate its mechanism, take a new and greater step forward, and gain a double harvest of social and economic benefits. Peking University Press in the new century will follow the academic-oriented, top-notch publications concept, with the pace of China’s publishing reform, deepen the reform of the internal management system, take the joint and cooperative win-win group management approach, make full use of various types of publishing both inside and outside the school Resources, priority publishing big
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针对高职院校人文教育现状及其存在问题的原因进行了分析,并提出了如何强化改革高职院校人文教育的思路与对策。 This paper analyzes the current situation of humane edu
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