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金融界的“摩西” 1913年,75岁的皮尔庞特·摩根去世。他是当时世界上最具实力的银行家,他组建了庞大的铁路系统和“托拉斯”,掌管着由欧洲输往美国的大批资本,而且,在美国还没有中央银行的时候,他担当着美国资本市场的监管员的角色,总是在最后关头挺身而出。正是在这一过程中,美国从一个以农牧业为主的社会逐渐转变成为一个现代化的工业国家,他参加到有关美国治国理念的斗争中,而这种斗争从杰斐逊和汉密尔顿就已经开始了。 在一个充满竞争的领域里占据统治地位 Financial Moses In 1913, Pierpont Morgan, 75, died. He was then the world’s most powerful banker, he formed a huge railway system and “trusts”, in charge of the large amount of capital from Europe to the United States, and, in the United States does not yet have a central bank, he served as the United States The role of supervisors in the capital markets always comes forward at the last minute. It is in this process that the United States has gradually transformed itself from a predominantly agrarian society into a modern industrialized country and has joined the struggle against the idea of ​​governing the country by the United States that the war has begun with Jefferson and Hamilton It’s In a competitive field dominate
A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor ZnDN was designed, synthesized and used for tracking intracellular zinc ions in various living cells and direct imaging of
Sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification (SDAD), a process suited for the treatment of nitrogen and sulfur-polluted wastewater without extra supplement of orga
小时候 /乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 /我在这头 /母亲在那头 长大后 /乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 /我在这头 /新娘在那头 后来啊 /乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 /我在外头 /母亲在里头 而现
目的:探讨甲基丙二酸血症(methylmalonic acidemia,MMA)的临床和实验室特征,为筛查MMA积累经验.方法:对95例MMA患儿的临床和实验室资料进行分析总结.结果:95例患儿发病年龄1天~12
目的:检测Lp-PLA2酶活性水平及其基因I198T多态性,探讨脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2的酶活性水平及I198T多态性是否是冠心病的危险因素.方法:应用TaqMan-ARMS PCR方法,检测398例冠心病患