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目的了解和评价广西贫困农村地区实施营养改善计划后学生营养健康状况,为对贫困地区进行学生营养干预提供参考。方法对广西2012—2013年实施农村学生营养改善计划的试点县开展学生营养健康状况追踪监测,评估监测学生体格发育、微量营养素、贫血、膳食营养、营养知识和行为等的变化情况。结果学校有食堂比例由2012年的84.2%提高至2013年的92.3%,配有餐厅比例由46.1%提高至67.4%。与2012年相比,监测学生的营养不良率由28.7%下降至27.8%,贫血率由11.3%下降至9.1%,维生素A缺乏率由0.3%下降至0.1%,维生素D缺乏率由75.9%下降至42.0%;2013年学生营养知识与行为得分(4.3±2.3)高于2012年(4.1±2.1)(t=3.145,P=0.002)。结论广西贫困农村地区学生营养改善计划项目的实施有效改善了中小学生的营养健康状况,但仍不容乐观,持续深入推进农村学生营养改善计划很有必要。 Objective To understand and evaluate the nutrition and health status of students in impoverished rural areas of Guangxi after implementing the nutrition improvement plan to provide references for students’ nutritional intervention in impoverished areas. Methods Follow-up monitoring of nutritional status of students was conducted in pilot counties implementing rural students ’nutritional improvement plan in Guangxi from 2012 to 2013 to assess and monitor the changes of students’ physical development, micronutrients, anemia, dietary nutrition, nutritional knowledge and behaviors. As a result, the percentage of schools with canteens increased from 84.2% in 2012 to 92.3% in 2013, and the proportion of restaurants with restaurants increased from 46.1% to 67.4%. Compared with 2012, the malnutrition rate of students monitored dropped from 28.7% to 27.8%, the anemia rate dropped from 11.3% to 9.1%, the vitamin A deficiency rate dropped from 0.3% to 0.1%, and the vitamin D deficiency rate dropped from 75.9% To 42.0%. In 2013, students’ nutrition knowledge and behavior scores (4.3 ± 2.3) were higher than those in 2012 (4.1 ± 2.1) (t = 3.145, P = 0.002). Conclusions The implementation of the project of improving student nutrition in impoverished rural areas of Guangxi effectively improves the nutrition and health status of primary and middle school students, but it is still not optimistic. It is necessary to continue to promote the plan of improving nutrition of rural students.
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