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面对油画作品时,有人俘想联翩,有人被作品真实细致的描绘所打动,有人为画家所创造的意境所震撼,还有的人为画家的创造性手法所困惑……本文只是想从油画艺术产生的感染力的几方面谈一下对油画画面上实在感与幻象的理解。 所谓实在——即真实,扎实,不虚假。本文将实在感分为真实性实在感——客观实在感,艺术性实在感——主观实在感。所谓幻象——幻想出来的或由幻觉产生的形象。在此将幻象一分为二,一个侧面组成幻化思维活动,幻化——一般指奇异的变化,包括真实世界奇异的变化和由艺术思维而来的创造性在画面上改变了常人所见对象外表的物质性。另一个侧面是幻想活动,幻想——以理想为依据,由压抑或希望为动力产生艺术形象,常以人物与环境的错位为多。 In the face of oil painting, some people captured the imagination, some were impressed by the real and meticulous portrayal of the work, some were shocked by the artistic conception created by the painter, and others were confused by the creative techniques of the painter ... This article just wanted to produce from the art of oil painting In several aspects of the contagious power to talk about the realism and illusion on the canvas picture understanding. The so-called reality - that is, real, solid, not false. This article divides the real sense into the real sense of reality - the objective sense of reality and the artistic sense of reality - the subjective reality. The so-called illusion - a fantasy or illusion generated image. Here the illusion is divided into two, one side of the composition of the illusion of thinking activities, illusion - generally refers to the bizarre changes, including the real world of the singular changes and creative thinking by the art of thinking in the picture changed the appearance of ordinary people Materiality. The other side is the fantasy activity, fantasy - based on ideals, depressing or hoping to create an artistic image driven by power, often with misplaced characters and the environment.
【摘要】汉字是记录民族语言的符号,是世界上最古老,使用历史最悠久的文字之一。《语文课程标准》非常重视写字教学,把它作为低年级一项十分重要的教学任务。因此应该采取多种措施提高小学低年级写字教学的质量。  【关键词】小学;低年级;写字;教育  【中图分类号】G623.22 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)03-0151-01    中华民族有五千年的历史。汉字是记录民族语言
脚被称为“人体第二心脏”  人们常说:“水有源,树有根”、“树枯根先竭,人老脚先衰”;也就是“养树应护根,养人要护脚”的意思。中医学认为脚是人体之根,是人体元精及元气凝聚之点。双脚是运行气血、联络脏腑、沟通内外、贯穿上下的十二经络的重要起始部位。脚上还有很多通往全身的重要穴位。因此,脚部保健关系到整体健康。由于人的脚掌上密布着许多血管,故被医家称之为人体的“第二心脏”。现代医学研究也表明,脚掌上还
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