
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waterhunter
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流行歌曲《心太软》曾经风靡一时。近日,偶然在微博里看到一段被篡改过的歌词,歌词韵味十足,读起来朗朗上口。一开始只是觉得有点意思,可细细想来,个中所蕴含的教学道理却掷地有声、入情入理,把这些侃词和新课程标准的教学理念进行一定的联系,颇受启发。篡改过的歌词是这样的:你总是心太软,心太软,独自一个人讲课到铃响,你任劳任怨地分析那课文,可知道学生心里真勉强。你总是心太软,心太软,把所有问题都自己讲,教学总是简单,交流太难,不是你的,就不 Popular song “heart is too soft” has been all the rage. Recently, I accidentally saw a period of tweaking lyrics in Weibo, lyrics full of flavor, read catchy. The beginning just felt a bit mean, can think carefully, the implicit in the teaching of truth are thunderous, affection into the management, these romance and the new curriculum standard teaching philosophy a certain connection, quite inspired. The tampered lyrics are like this: You are always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted, lecturing yourself to a bell, and analyzing the text with all your hard work, knowing that your heart is really reluctant. You are always too soft-hearted and too soft-hearted to tell yourself all the questions, teaching is always simple, communication is too difficult, not yours, no
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题目已知sinαcosβ=-1/2,求cosαsinβ的取值范围.引申1已知sinαcosβ=α,cosαsinβ=b,则|a|+|b|≤1,当且仅当sin~2α+sin~2β=1时等号成立.证明|a|+|b| =|sinα||cosβ|+