
来源 :医学研究通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzx_27
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本文分析了1990年~1999年珠海市本地居民及暂住人口法定传染病的发病情况及其流行病学特征。结果10年间,由于1994年丙类的肠道传染病有二次爆发流行,使得我市本地居民的传染病形成一个高峰,其余各年均平稳震荡在600/10万左右;暂住人口的传染病发病率呈逐年上升趋势,1993年甲乙类传染病出现一个高峰年,发病率达749.44/10万,远远超过本地居民的发病率水平。其中疟疾、麻疹、新生儿破伤风的各年度发病率与本地居民差异均有显著性意义,已经成为我市该类疾病的主要甚至唯一来源。传染病的疾病谱发生变化,本地居民1993年以前病毒性肝炎居首位;1994年以后,病毒性肝炎中的甲肝大幅度下降,淋病骤升为首位所占疾病的构成逐年增大。暂住人口在1994年以前以疟疾、霍乱为主要传染病,1995年以后,淋病居首,病毒性肝炎次之,疾病谱与本地居民一致。结核病在各种人口中居第三位,发病率较高。而且中青年和老年呈现高峰,值得重视。分析经性及血源传染病发现,暂住人口的相对危险度增大,占发病总数的构成增加迅速。另外,我市尚存在相当一部分无法统计的暂住人口,他们是许多传染病的疫源地和集散地。提示我市的传染病防治工作在做好本地居民的性病及乙肝防治工作之外,要切实重视和加强对暂住人口的传染病防治工作。 This article analyzes the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of legal infectious diseases among local residents and temporary residents in Zhuhai from 1990 to 1999. Results In 10 years, due to the second outbreak of intestinal infectious diseases of Class C in 1994, the infectious diseases of local residents in our city formed a peak, and the rest of the population fluctuated around 600 / 100,000 in each of the past few years. Infection of transient residents The incidence of the disease showed an upward trend year by year. In 1993, there was a peak year for Class A and B infectious diseases with a prevalence of 749.44 / 100,000, far exceeding the incidence of local residents. Among them, the annual incidence of malaria, measles and neonatal tetanus is significantly different from that of the local residents and has become the main or even the only source of such diseases in our city. The disease spectrum of infectious diseases changed, and local residents had the highest number of viral hepatitis before 1993. After 1994, the number of hepatitis A in viral hepatitis dropped drastically, and the proportion of the disease with the sudden rise of gonorrhea increased year by year. Before 1994, the population of temporary residents was malaria and cholera. As of 1995, gonorrhea took the lead, followed by viral hepatitis, and the disease spectrum was consistent with the local residents. Tuberculosis ranks third among all kinds of people with a high incidence. And middle-aged and elderly peak, it is worth attention. Analysis of sexual and blood-borne infectious diseases found that the relative risk of transient population increases, accounting for the total incidence of the composition increased rapidly. In addition, there are still quite a few non-statistic temporary residents in our city, they are the source and distribution center of many infectious diseases. Suggest that the city’s prevention and treatment of infectious diseases do a good job in prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis B residents, we must effectively attach importance to and strengthen the temporary population of infectious diseases prevention and control work.