Calculation of One-Valued Control Limits by Control Chart of Angles

来源 :中国矿业大学学报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyuan
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The data we use to express angle or direction are entitled directional data. In a plan right-an-gled coordinate system the traditional control chart can't solve the quality control problem which the characteristic value is angle. This paper analyses a
<正> 经济增长率将超过5%日本经济正在稳步回升,尽管国内需求恢复不够强劲,但出口增加迅速,带动了整个经济持续回升。日本官方与民间研究机构对1984年经济增长的预测数字为4.1%~5.5%不等。我们认为将超过5%。从今年第一季度的实际情况来看,经济增长率换算成年率为7.4%,剔除闰年多一天因素后也超过5%。支持日本经济回升的主要因素来看可归纳为:①美国经济强劲恢复,使日本向大市场的出
A thrust and nappe with imbricate branch thrusts is developed along the southern margin of the coal-forming region of North China. This tectonic z
<正> 1983年是我国实现第六个五年计划的第三年.今年的出口任务是220亿美元,进口任务为239亿美元.完成和超额完成今年的进出口任务,千方百计地把出口搞上去,对完成第六个五年计划和为本世纪末实现两个倍增的目标都是有重要意义的.当前,我们面对着一个长期萧条、竞争剧烈的国际市场.对进口来说是有利的时机,应当力争少花钱,多办事,以最低的价格购进国家急需的技术和物资.对出口来说,则是如何减少世界
the technique of image processing and analysis.of gravity and magnetic data is one of the most effective ways to extract geological information from gravity and
This paper systematically introduced the method of direct, indirect and free-network adjustments and their application in data process of minewide ventilation m