Measurement of Hundred-gram-scale Uranium Sample by Experimental Device of Four Detectors Well-type

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxl122702985
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Experimental device with four detectors well-type fast neutron coincidence measurement(Fig.1)consists of fourφ127 mm×50.8 mm BC501A liquid scintillation detectors,two Am-Li neutron sources,MPD4 four input n/γdiscrimination module and MCS6A six input 100 ps multi-stop TDC and other circuits.Total,double and triple coincidence neutron count rates are ob- Experimental device with four detectors well-type fast neutron coincidence measurement (Fig.1) consists of four φ 127 mm × 50.8 mm BC501A liquid scintillation detectors, two Am-Li neutron sources, MPD4 four input n / γdiscrimination module and MCS6A six input 100 ps multi -stop TDC and other circuits. Total, double and triple coincidence neutron count rates are ob-
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