Atomic population distribution of excited states in He electrodeless discharge lamp

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Population ratios between excited states are measured to build the excited state Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (ESFADOF). We calculate these values between the excited states according to the spontaneous transition probabilities using rate equations and the measured intensities of fluorescence spectral lines of He atoms in an electrodeless discharge lamp in the visible spectral region from 350 to 730 nm. The electrodeless discharge lamp with populations in excited states can be used to realize the frequency stabilization reference of the laser frequency standard. This lamp can also build ESFADOFs for submarine communication application in the blue-green wavelength to simplify the system without the use of a pump laser.
提出了适合光学遥感图像的快速去模糊变分模型。模型通过引入辅助二次变量代理项,将非线性变分去模糊问题解耦并转化为去模糊和去噪交替最小化过程,进而提出了一个傅里叶域线性化去模糊滤波与子空间投影正则化去噪的交错迭代快速算法。最后通过典型的去大气湍流高斯模糊和光学系统散焦模糊数值实验,证明了该算法的改进信噪比比梯度最速下降法(GD)提高约2 dB,而且算法速度提高一个数量级。
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水平扭摆冲量测量装置是研究激光与工质烧蚀冲量耦合的有效手段。针对测量过程易受干扰的特点, 基于冲量瞬间作用模型, 通过系统参数标定误差和冲量误差与噪信比关系, 采用蒙特卡洛数值仿真方法, 提出了测量噪声影响系统参数标定和冲量测量误差的分析方法。所提出的方法可应用于分析测量噪声对系统参数标定误差、冲量测量误差的影响规律研究, 为微小冲量测量误差和结构设计提供依据。