Dynamic mechanical behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass during glass transition and crystalliz

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The dynamic mechanical behaviors of the Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni8Be22.5Fe2 bulk metallic glass (BMG) during continuous heating at a constant rate were investigated. The glass transition and crystallization of the Zr-based BMG were thus characterized by the measurements of storage modulus E′ and internal friction Q-1. It was found that the variations of these dynamic mechanical quantities with temperature were interre-lated and were well in agreement with the DSC trace obtained at the same heating rate. The origin of the first peak in the internal friction curve was closely related to the dynamic glass transition and subsequent primary crystallization. Moreover, it can be well described by a physical model, which can characterize atomic mobility and mechanical response of disordered condense materials. In comparison with the DSC trace, the relative position of the first internal friction peak of the BMG was found to be dependent on its thermal stability against crys-tallization. The dynamic mechanical behaviors of the Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni8Be22.5Fe2 bulk metallic glass (BMG) during continuous heating at a constant rate were investigated. The glass transition and crystallization of the Zr-based BMG were characterized by the measurements of storage modulus E ’and It was found that the variations of these dynamic mechanical quantities with temperature were inter-lated and were well in agreement with the DSC trace obtained at the same heating rate. The origin of the first peak in the internal friction curve was closely related to the dynamic glass transition and subsequent primary crystallization. Among them, can can characterize atomic mobility and mechanical response of disordered condense materials. first internal friction peak of the BMG was found to be dependent on its thermal stability against crys-tallization.
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