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在对成本、质量和生产率密切关注了数年以后,公司似乎发现了增长的新奥秘。各行各业的高层管理者们都在试图从企业的组织结构中寻找新的创收来源。一方面,他们追求更多的创新和更多的结果——立即能够看到的结果另一方面,他们也担心这些努力究竟是否能为公司带来业绩的增长和利润率的提高。比如,许多时候公司增加了科研经费的支出但却无法收到投资回报上的显著变化。问题的关键在于创新是一种行为而不仅仅是一种想法。许多人相信单靠一个好的想法就可以制胜,但他们是错误的。成功的创新——这里指能够创造利润的创新,是建立在能够化想法为现金流的一整套行动的基础上的。我们把从创新到创收回报的过程称为ITC(Innovationto-cash)流程。这一流程超越组织结构的限制,提出了许多艰难的选择。 A few years after paying close attention to costs, quality, and productivity, the company seemed to find the new mystery of growth. Top executives from all walks of life are trying to find new sources of revenue from the organizational structure of the business. On the one hand, they are pursuing more innovation and more outcomes - immediate and visible results. On the other hand, they are also concerned about whether these efforts will result in increased business performance and profitability for the company. For example, many times companies have increased their spending on research but have not been able to receive significant changes in their return on investment. The crux of the problem is that innovation is an act, not just an idea. Many people believe winning with a good idea is a mistake, but they are wrong. Successful Innovation - In this case, innovation that creates profit is based on a set of actions that can turn ideas into cash flow. We refer to the process from innovation to revenue generation as the ITC (Innovationto-cash) process. This process goes beyond organizational constraints and presents many difficult choices.
唇癌是较常见的口腔恶性肿瘤,生长较慢,位置较表浅,易于早期发现,如治疗得当,预后较好。笔者自1982年以来治疗唇癌21例,疗效较好,现报告如下。临床资料 21例中,男12例,女9例
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