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(省府四月十五日以(54)府辦財字第五九號發出) 關於鄉村牛脫離生產幹部的生活補助問題,根據中央中南的規定,一九五三年每鄉每月為四十五萬元,一九五四年為四十八萬元。但過去幾年在具體執行當中,有的是將四十五萬元的補助費每鄉補助三人,即鄉長、鄉農協主席、鄉文書(每人每月十五萬元》。以後各地反映,鄉的民兵隊長和婦聯主任因工作較多,不僅躭誤生產,而月開會時連飯都吃不上,要求酌情照顧。後經全省專員縣長聯席會議確定由各地根據具體情况自行規定辦法試行,待取得經驗後再予統一。在試行中,有的專區仍然是補助鄉長、鄉農協主席、鄉文書等三人,有的則加上了對鄉民兵隊長和鄉婦聯主任的少量補助。但補助費的標準很不一致。經過二年來的試驗,並經征求各地意見,多數地方同意將每月每鄉四十八萬元的補助除仍補助鄉長、副鄉長、鄉文書三人外,並酌情補助鄉民兵隊長和鄉婦聯主任等二人,現根據試行結果及各地意見特作如下规定: (On April 15, the provincial government issued (54) Fucai No.59 on April 15) Regarding the living allowance for rural cattle to be separated from their production cadres, according to the provisions of Central and South Central Committee, each township in 1953 is four One hundred and fifty thousand yuan, one hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and eighty thousand yuan. However, in the past few years, some of them have implemented the subsidy of 450,000 yuan to subsidize three people per township, that is, the head of the township government, the chairman of the township farmers’ association, and the township paperwork (150,000 yuan per person per month) Township militia captain and director of the Women’s Federation due to more work, not only mistaken production, and even in the first meeting even when the food can not eat, ask for appropriate care after the county commissioners decided by the joint meeting of local regulations on their own according to specific ways pilot, In the trial, some prefectures still subsidize the mayor, township farmers chairman, township paperwork and other three, while others are added to the township militia captain and the township women’s Federation director of a small amount of grants. After two years of trial and after soliciting opinions from all over the place, most localities agree that the allowance of 480,000 yuan per rural per month will be subsidized in addition to subsidies to the mayor, deputy mayor and township documentaries, And, as appropriate, subsidize the township militia captain and the township women’s federation director and other two, are based on the pilot results and opinions of all places made the following special provisions: