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在近三年中,网络营销的主要模式仍以直销为主、营销人员试图与消费者建立一种直接关系,而直销战略的基础是企业网站。在这种模式中,网幅广告的主要(也可能是唯一的)目标就是吸引用户到企业网站上并与其建立和增强联系。根据 IAB(美国网络广告局)的在线广告效果研究,网幅广告确实有效--不仅作为直销工具,也作为一个广告传播工具。尽管直销模式有效并合法地运用了网络.但 MB interactive 认为,那些只把网络当成直销工具的公司大大浪费了网络资源,将在竞争中处于劣势。网幅广告已被证明可以增强品牌地位,这为营销者提供了崭新天地。但是机会是与危机并存的:有机会使消费者通过在线广告信息知道你的产品,有机会改变消费者对产品的感知,也有机会从竞争者那里抢夺市场份额;同时,危险是,你的竞争者先想到这一点,或在他们的在线广告执行上更行之有效。你将如何来把握这片新天地呢?根据 MB interactive的调查,我们对在线营销提出一个指南。它将帮助营销者思考如下问题:1.你的品牌营销体系中应当包括网络吗?2.你应如何运用网络营销来为品牌服务?3.你如何测量、评估和增强你的在线营销活动?这个指南提供了 MB interactive 的方法来帮助客户发展有效的战略与战术,并在整个营销体系中成功运用网络。 In the past three years, the main mode of online marketing is still dominated by direct marketing. Marketers try to establish a direct relationship with consumers, while the direct marketing strategy is based on the corporate website. In this model, the main (and perhaps the only) goal of banner ads is to attract and connect with and build on the business Web site. According to IAB’s online advertising effectiveness study, banner ads do work - not only as a direct selling tool but also as an advertising communication tool. Although the direct selling model effectively and legally uses the web, MB interactive believes that companies that use the web as a direct selling tool, which is a waste of online resources, will be at a disadvantage in competition. Banner ads have been shown to enhance brand status, providing marketers with a whole new world. But the chance is to coexist with the crisis: the opportunity for consumers to know your product through online advertising, the opportunity to change consumers’ perception of the product, and the opportunity to snatch market share from competitors; and the danger is that your competition Think of this first, or be more effective at implementing their online ads. How would you grasp this new world? According to MB interactive survey, we provide a guide to online marketing. It will help marketers to think about the following questions: 1. Should your brand marketing system include the internet? 2. How should you use internet marketing to serve your brand? 3. How do you measure, evaluate and enhance your online marketing activities? This guide provides MB interactive methods to help clients develop effective strategies and tactics and successfully use the network throughout the marketing system.
近两年来我们使用小功率氦氖激光治疗了18例皮肤溃疡并得到了较好的疗效,现特报告如下: 一、临床资料:男8例,女10例,年龄最大者65岁,最小者16岁;10—19岁者1例,20—29岁者1
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