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为了加强钢铁企业能源管理的基础工作,推动烧结生产节约能源工作的深入开展,冶金部早在两年前就已组织了调查组对全国各烧结厂工序能耗作了系统和全面的调查研究工作,一九八○年十一月又在鞍山组织了由七个单位组成的《烧结工序节能规定》起草小组,草拟了烧结工序节能的讨论稿及编写说明。一九八一年四月讨论稿提交给在武钢召开的全国重点企业烧结厂一九八○年度竞赛评比会议讨论,会后进行了最后的整理完稿工作,现在冶金工业部已于一九八一年七月二十日以(81)冶能字第1382号文件发出“关于颁发烧结工序节约能源规定(试行)的通知”要求各企业对本《规定》认真组织试行。并应对《规定》的试行情况和本单位烧结工序的实际能耗从今年三季度起,按季、年度报部有关部门。为了使全国各烧结厂及有关部门烧结工作者能详细了解《规定》的内容,以便能使烧结工序的节能工作搞的更好,本刊特将《规定》全文刊登出来供烧结工作者应用。 In order to strengthen the basic work of energy management in iron and steel enterprises and promote energy saving in sintering production, the Metallurgical Department has already organized the investigation team two years ago to conduct a systematic and comprehensive investigation and study on the energy consumption of each sintering plant in the country. In November 1980, another drafting group composed of seven units of “Provisions on Energy Conservation in Sintering Processes” was organized in Anshan and draft discussion papers and preparation instructions for energy conservation in sintering processes were drafted. The draft for April 1981 was submitted for discussion at the Competition for the Superstore Production Plant of the National Key Enterprises held in WISCO for the year 180. After the conference was finalized and completed, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry now started its discussion in 1981 On July 20, 2001, the “Circular on Issuing Energy Conservation Regulations for Sintering Processes (for Trial Implementation)” issued by (81) Yeneng Zi No. 1382 requires companies to conscientiously conduct the pilot implementation of these Provisions. In response to the trial implementation of the Provisions and the actual energy consumption of the sintering process of this unit, the relevant departments of the Ministry shall be reported quarterly and annually starting from the third quarter of this year. In order for sintering plants throughout the country and relevant departments of sintering workers to understand the contents of the “Regulations” in detail in order to make the energy-saving work in the sintering process better, we hereby publish the full text of the “Regulations” for sintering workers.
1.前言 能源工作者为降低炼钢工序能耗曾采取了许多行之有效的技术措施,但对与炼钢工序直接相关的若干辅助工序却重视不够。诸如混铁炉、铁合金烘烤、钢水罐烘烤等工序的能
一九八一年我厂围绕着增加品种、提高质量、降低消耗、提高炉龄等方面作了一些工作,取得一定的进展,现就工艺方面的情况简述如下。 一、喷吹法炉外脱硫试验 攀钢系采用钒钛磁
近一年来,东北各个有色金屬选矿厂大力推行阶段选矿,在將原有流程(有的增加少量設备)改进为多段选别流程后,大大地改善了选矿技术指标并提高了 In the past year, various
(一) 基本情况 我矿选矿厂棒磨机的大齿轮,往常磨损之后,都是作废品回收处理。去年在“十大”精神鼓舞下,在工业学大庆运动中,深入发动群众,大搞技术革新,针对现用的Φ900×