Marriage's Strength Depends on Its Beginning

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我刚刚离异,六岁的儿子跟我,我们孤儿寡女将度过漫长的余生。近日上网读到此文,相见恨晚!本文的中心思想:A successful marriage is one thathas maintained a high level of affection right from the start。我由此想到了一句著名英谚:A good beginning is half the battle。我想,婚姻似乎可以套用此英谚:Ahappy beginning is half the marriage!我特别敬佩的是本文分析:漫长恋爱及短暂恋爱的夫妇们将headed for the rockiest road!我属于前者,我和我的夫君恋爱6年。真累!为什么?此文之剖析一针见血: …but because they have real problems in the relationship that they’re tryingto put aside in order to marry。 读者朋友,我的教训非常惨烈,当你堕入爱河之时,彼此若不能in tune(合调子)with each other,那么,就赶快分手吧!】 I have just divorced. The six-year-old son told me that we orphans and widows will spend the rest of their lives. Recently read this article on the Internet, meet with hate late! The central idea of ​​this article: A successful marriage is one thathas maintained a high level of affection right from the start. I thought of a famous hero: A good beginning is half the battle. I think marriage can seem to apply this: Ahappy beginning is half the marriage! What I particularly admire is the analysis of this article: long love and short-lived couples will headed for the rockiest road! I belong to the former and I have been in love with my husband for 6 years. Really tired! Why? The analysis of this article is very accurate: ...but because they have real problems in the relationship that they’re tryingto put aside in order to marry. Readers and friends, my lessons are very tragic. When you fall in love, if you can’t in tune with each other, then break up! 】
The booming city of Shanghai was the focus of world attention for months last year as it hosted the splendid 2010 Shanghai World Expo. The booming city of Shan
痴迷!时尚白领想卖环保手帕  2005年夏天,李玲从四川大学工商管理学院会计专业毕业后,进入成都一家会计师事务所工作。虽然“白骨精”的生活看上去时尚光鲜,但李玲对自己的工作并不满意。她希望能从事富有创意和挑战性的工作,在赚钱的同时实现自己的人生价值。然而,找一个投资不大且能赚钱,又令自己感兴趣的项目谈何容易?  2007年“十一”国庆长假期间,李玲与事务所的几个同事一起随旅行团到日本旅游。当天晚上
谈到理解,望文生义是英语学习者,特别是初学者普遍易犯的毛病,其表现形式或者说产生的原因大致有下列几点,这几点也正是我们要特别注意克服的地方。 1. 对句子的语法结构理解有误
根据J. Millington-Ward的观点,英语中不用于进行时态的动词大致有下列几类: 一、表示“感觉”的动词 人有五种感觉,即视觉(to see)、听觉(to hear)、嗅觉(to smell)、味觉(